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Tom's view:

It's been a few days since everything that happened at Alyssa's house with her stalker.

Judy is feeling much better, and Dennis drove her over so that she could visit with Alyssa.  

Alyssa and Judy are getting along great, and when she got here, they went into Alyssa's room and stayed there for a long time.

I had hoped Booker was just going to drop her off, but of course he had to stay, so it was actually kind of good that Alyssa and Judy spent most of their time hanging out in Alyssa's room.

Every little bit we could hear them laughing.

Doug and Harry came over and Alyssa and Judy wanted Mexican food, so the guys went to pick it up and bring it back.

Sunday Alyssa wanted to go visit with the children at the hospital, so we did that.

Adam had some meetings lined up to get advice on how to handle this stalker. Jordan wanted in on the meeting, and so did I.  

They were scheduled for Wednesday, and then we could come up with a plan.

Today is Monday, and Alyssa asked me if I would take her to the studio.  She needs to rehearse some song that she has coming out with Jordan.  

She told me that she still doesn't know what to do, she's supposed to be singing two songs at the Grammy's, one of her new ones, and then the duet with Jordan.  She said the Grammys is at the end of the month, but she hates to be in front of anyone because of Rob.  She's so ashamed.

I told her that no one is laughing at her, in fact, they are all probably laughing at Rob.

She disagreed, but I told her as a man trust me Alyssa, Rob had you and blew it, lost you, and now he's stuck with that girl, who just wants to try and copy you so that she can keep him. I told her that there was no comparison between Alyssa and this other girl. Rob is a loser, and he should be the one ashamed to show his face.  

I also told her she deserves a better man than Rob, and don't let Rob ruin love for her. She is too special to be alone. That her dream man is out there, and he is going to sweep her off her feet.

I admit I want so bad for it to be me. But I know that I'll never be her man. She likes me as a friend, I'm sure she wants a better man then me.

She made breakfast for us. Pancakes, and bacon, hashbrowns and toast for me.

I'm going to have to start working out more, because she is a great cook.  She says that she can't cook very good, but her breakfasts are delicious, and the few things that she has made me for dinner have been great as well.

Alyssa left to go take a shower and get ready.  

I was sitting reading the paper, when she came out and asked if I was ready.

I thought this girl was beautiful, but damn she just looks almost like a vision. I know that may sound corny especially coming from me, because I've never felt this way about a girl, or thought this way. But she literally takes my breath away. She has her hair in a ponytail, doesn't have make up on, and she doesn't need it. 

She is stunning. She is wearing a pink blouse, and blue denim overalls. She is so freaking adorable. I think I could just sit and stare at her all day and be content.

Damn, I guess she noticed I was staring at her. The look on her face, immediately changed from a warm smile, to confusion, and then I saw her frown. She looks sad.

I said, "Alyssa are you okay?"

Not sure why I am so tuned into her emotions. This is all new to me, I've never cared about the mood changes in girls I was dating, and yet here we aren't dating, and I can immediately tell if something is wrong, and then it drives me insane wanting to know what it is so I can fix it.

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