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Tom's view:

I feel helpless. This girl I just met, has me all shook up. 

She is crying. Her head in her hands. Sobbing so loud.

I stand there, then come closer.  She just told me that she wasn't crying because of me. 

I'm glad that it's not me, but it doesn't matter because she's hurting.

I remember the song she was writing, the words, how could you do that to me.

Maybe I was wrong, Maybe Judy was right, she doesn't have a boyfriend.

I can't be happy about that fact though, because looking at the girl in front of me, she's broken. And this guy her boyfriend must have hurt her, broken her heart. Maybe they had a fight. She was crying earlier today. Maybe she talked to him on the phone, and they fought.

I want to comfort her. I'm not sure how. 

I mean Judy is the only girl I've ever been really close to, and could comfort with a hug, or holding her hand, putting my arm around her letting her lean on my shoulder, but I don't know this girl, she doesn't know me. I can't touch her. Even innocently.

I said, "Alyssa um I know that we don't know each other, but like you said earlier, that you were here for me. I'd like to be here for you, if you want me to that is."

She doesn't say anything, just cries.

I said, "or not. I just hate to see you crying."

She said, "Could you give me a minute."

I said, 'Sure. I'll leave you alone."

She said, "Thanks."  I leave the room and lean against the door.

She is crying again. Louder this time.

I could kill this guy for hurting her like this.

I go back to the living room. Jake gets on my lap. I pat his head.

I said, "Jake your mommy is sad, and I don't know what to do for her. I wish I knew. I bet you are good at comforting her."  I remember her words about Jake when she was telling me he's a good listener.

Alyssa comes out.

She said, "He really does like you. To get on your lap."

I smiled.  I said, "I've never had a dog. But I really do like him Alyssa."

The sad thing is, I'm not lying. I didn't at first, but I like Jake now. And I'm going to get attached to him, then lose not just her but him.  Damn I'm screwed big time. But it's too late now.

I said, "Can I get you anything?"

She shook her head no.  She sat down, and Jake got on her lap.  She put her head on his fur, and cried again.

I wish I could touch her. Not like that, not now, I just mean comfort her, touch her arm, her hand, hold it.

Alyssa's view:

I hate for him to see me cry like this. I hate that I can't get myself together. That I hurt so bad. Just when I am happy, then Rob taunts me, and reminds me of what a loser and fool I am.

I would rather not have Tom know anything about it.  The one good thing about being here with Tom, is that he doesn't know who I am. I mean he never heard of me. The others are all fans, and I know that the guys know what happened with me and Rob. I think almost the whole world knows.

Judy is a girl so she took my side, and I'm thankful and grateful the guys didn't mention it to me, but I'm sure they are on Rob's side, I mean a porn star, who is good at sex, big boobs, poses nude, then we have me, small boobs, not that pretty, not good at sex, first time.

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