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Sorry for not being consistent! 🙇🏻‍♀️
These may sound like excuses, but work has been crazy lately, and I fell off a vehicle and scraped my knee.🫣
I am trying my best to go back to one upload a week. Please be patient. 
Thank you so much for reading! 💜


Hoseok was on high alert. He could feel the intense stare of someone on their group. He leaned in towards Namjoon, "Am I paranoid or is someone staring at us?"

Namjoon sighed, "Someone is staring at us."

Hoseok looked at Namjoon, "You don't look stressed about it."

"Eh." Namjoon shrugged.

Hoseok shifted his shoulder a little to adjust his posture. It really made Hoseok mad that Namjoon was not reacting at all to this situation. Hoseok was ready to defend Seokjin from any incoming attacks. As they walked further into the palace, he heard footsteps behind them. He reached for his gun. They had just landed in Barnlong, and Hoseok was already paranoid. This is exactly why Seokjin got Namjoon out of prison.

The attack was sooner than anyone had expected. Hoseok jumped into action and pulled his gun out.

To his surprise, the attack wasn't on Seokjin. The guy tackled Namjoon down. Namjoon moved out of the way and let the person stumble away. Seokjin raised his eyebrow. He saw a smirk on Namjoon's face. Namjoon immediately had the man by his arm and locked the arm behind his back. The man groaned. 

"Okay, okay. You won. Let me go now."

Namjoon cackled a little, surprising Seokjin.

The man hit Namjoon on the arm, "God, look at you. You have grown so... taller." 

"Ah." The man winced as someone hit him in the back of his head.

"Where have you been, Tay? I was searching for you all over the palace."

Tay looked back and smiled brightly, "Hin, look who showed up!" 

New came out from the back and looked at Namjoon. He was a tall man with sharp features, just like the first guy, Tay. They were wearing something similar to what his guards were wearing, and they also had the kingdom's logo on their suits. New was a little shorter than Tay, but he looked dominating. New's eyes turned into literal sparkles as he saw Namjoon standing there. He stepped a little closer to have a better look before gasping. 

"June!" His lips curled up into the biggest smile, "Oh my god! You are really our little June."

Seokjin scoffed to himself. Little June? Really? He was so glad he had learned the language a long time ago. He could pretend he didn't understand them and let them speak their plans out loud. But he was more intrigued by Namjoon's real smile. He was smiling so much that his eyes disappeared completely. His dimples were on full display. 

So he can smile like that, huh?

New suddenly twisted Namjoon's ear, making Namjoon wince. "Where have you been, huh? How long does it take to break a prison?" 

Wow! Such a supportive friend. So confident that Namjoon could just break the jail and leave whenever he wanted.

Namjoon laughed, "P'New, I am not a kid anymore. I just didn't want to get out. And if you haven't noticed yet, I am sort of in between my work." He pointed towards Seokjin.

Both Tay and New turned their heads at the same time, and their expressions changed simultaneously, too. Seokjin was really fascinated by this pair. It was like watching a mirror act. New let go of Namjoon's ear immediately and bowed to Seokjin, "I am sorry. I didn't notice you."

A Desire for the Moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن