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The meeting room was different from what Namjoon was used to. It was more compact and only had two chairs. Seokjin was sitting on one and Jimin was sitting on the other one. The room was well-lit despite not having any windows. Hoseok and Yoongi were standing next to Seokjin. Jimin's head guard, Kim Junmyeon, was standing next to him. He was wearing the same boring black suit with a white shirt as Hoseok. Namjoon thought the head guards would have something different from the rest of the guards to differentiate their position. But he was wrong. Jungkook and him were standing right in front of the royals.

Namjoon and Jungkook had stopped at the guards' building so that Jungkook could change from his funeral clothes. Namjoon had made it very clear that just because he didn't respect the royals, Jungkook should not follow it. So the first thing Jungkook did when they entered the room was to bow to Seokjin and Jimin. Seokjin was surprised to see Jungkook bow but he didn't show it in his expressions. And as usual, Namjoon just stood there to take orders.

"So, Jeon Jungkook," Seokjin began, "I am sure Namjoon has explained your duties to you but Kim Junmyeon will walk you through it again. My only order directly to you is to take care of my younger brother. Both physically and emotionally."

Jungkook wanted to roll his eyes. Emotionally? Really? Instead, he just nodded, "Sure, your majesty."

Seokjin looked at Yoongi. Yoongi nodded and gave Jungkook some papers, "These are the protocols that you are going to follow as you protect Jimin. The address of the house that you will use is in there too. Your courses, professors and other things are in there too. Make sure to read it thoroughly."

"Wait." Jungkook looked at Namjoon, "I am not living here?"

Namjoon softly patted his back, "Prince Jimin is moving to a penthouse to not draw too much attention. He is in disguise and so are you."

Jungkook nodded slowly.

Namjoon chuckled, "I will visit you when I have time."

Jungkook looked away without reacting. Namjoon was confused by the way he was acting. Jungkook had never been too clingy. But after they were transferred to the guards' building, Jungkook's behaviour changed completely. At first, Namjoon thought it was because he was alone and nervous. But it continued even after two weeks. That's enough time for Jungkook to get settled in a new place. He became demanding and a bit clingy. He wanted to be around Namjoon almost all the time. Namjoon didn't understand this behaviour, but he was sure that they could talk it out.

Seokjin saw that too. But he thought that Jungkook was just clingy because of his little puppy crush. He had noticed that Jungkook would do anything to just impress Namjoon. Seokjin never understood the devotion the group had for Namjoon even when he killed one of them with his hands. He was a little jealous but mostly curious. Curious about Namjoon's nature behind the bratty mask that he wore all the time. Jealous, because the followers that Namjoon had would have died at one order from Namjoon.

"I do have some rules for you Jungkook-shi." Seokjin smiled softly, "Rule number one if Something happens to Jimin, I give you permission to hurt or kill the culprit. Second, if you see someone suspicious, you must contact Junmyeon. Third, every friend that Jimin makes goes through a thorough background check and forth, you are not allowed to fail any class."


Namjoon wanted to laugh at Seokjin. He really thought Jungkook would not be able to handle his duty and his studies.

Jungkook bowed a little, "Okay, your majesty."

Seokjin nodded, "Jimin is moving in next week. You can move in before that. Junmyeon will give you the exact time of arrival for Jimin so that you can be prepared."

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