Everything was carefully picked out to make the perfect unnoticeable man. Well, almost.

Still, this didn't help my situation with Becky. Could I tell her that he didn't exist?

Maybe if I did, she would tell me instead.

That actually sounded like a good idea.

I picked up the phone and dialed her number, but she didn't pick up. I left a voicemail message but got impatient after five minutes of waiting. She must've been at work, doing all her sexy lawyer things with her unreadable handwriting. Maybe she was wearing sexy glasses and a short skirt...A sexy lawyer.

I turned back to my computer and typed in the name of her company, deciding that I should definitely call her. Rebecca Armstrong.

Ah, bingo, contact information. I typed in her office number and pressed the green button. After three rings she picked up, her sweet voice filling my ear.

'Rebecca Armstrong speaking, how can I help you?'

'You can help me by going out with me tonight.' I confidently said, trying to keep my cool.


'That's me. Unless you have more friends who randomly ask you out on dates.' I playfully bantered, making light of the situation, but I was not so secretly hoping that there weren't any.

In fact, even though it was my joke, it made me a little bit nauseous thinking about it.

'Hi Freen, it's nice to hear from you and no, you know that I'm only dating you.'

A big grin stretched across my face. That must have been the best thing that I heard all day.

'Good. So, what about the date?' I repeated, the excitement bubbling up.

'Tonight? Ehh. That's short notice, but I'll get back to you. I'm rather busy right now.' she answered, immediately inflating the happy bubble inside of me.

'I, err, I, sure. Give me a call back when you made up your mind.' I muttered, trying to hide my disappointment. She softly chuckled and said her goodbye. Not even a seconds later the line disconnected, and I looked shocked at my phone. She never declined this bluntly. I sat back in my chair, huffed and dropped the phone on my desk. My good mood was completely gone.

Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.

My phone started buzzing as soon as it hit the desk. I saw it was an incoming call from an unknown number. I picked up the phone and tried not to let my foul mood get in the way of sounding cheery.

'Good morning, Freen Sarocha speaking' I greeted while picking up a pencil and drawing little circles on a blank paper.

'I made up my mind. Yes, I would like to go on a date tonight.' Becky chuckled on the other side of the line.

So that's why she had hung up like that, she was just playing with me.

'You tease. I'm not sure if that offer still stands.' I smirked, my mood immediately lighting up. I heard her laugh and I wished I could just see her right now.

'Oh, the offer still stands. I know it does.' she confidently stated, bringing back the smile on my face.

'You're right. I'll pick you up at 10 tonight.'

We are not going to dinner but we're going to do something.

'Okay, can I wear heels?'

'Yes. Yes. Definitely. You can always wear heels.' I quickly answered, without even thinking. Becky in heels was a delicious sight.

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