Enchanting garden encounter

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Unbeknownst to me, Lusav's true emotions remained veiled beneath a facade of composure. While I pondered strategies to navigate the challenges of the upcoming ball, his inner turmoil simmered quietly, concealed from my awareness.
As we both calmed down, it was already late, and I ordered Lusav to return. I was now alone in my room. Should I delve into the world of knowledge, I wondered, but I was already too tired. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

The following morning, as was customary, the maids quietly entered my room, their gentle presence signaling the start of another day. Lily, with her deft hands and soft demeanor, assisted me in freshening up, the warm water cascading over my skin like a gentle stream. With each delicate touch, she prepared me for the impending breakfast with my father.

As I made my way to the dining room, I found my father already seated, his presence commanding the space with a quiet authority. Upon catching sight of me, his warm voice broke the silence, "Good morning, my sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" he inquired, his concern palpable.
"Yes, Dad, I had a peaceful sleep. How was yours?" I asked, apprehension tingeing my voice, mindful of the sensitive conversation we'd shared the previous evening. Sensing my concern, my father smiled reassuringly and replied, "I had a good sleep. How could I not, after a satisfying dinner and a heartfelt conversation with my beloved child?" His smile was a balm to my worried soul, soothing any lingering doubts.

During our exchange, he hinted at the impending visit of a palace representative to our manor.
"By the way, child," my father interjected, his tone chilled like the morning air, as he deftly sliced through the vegetables on his plate with a sharp knife, his movements betraying a simmering frustration. "I was informed that a palace representative would be gracing our manor with an official visit. However, they've been conspicuously vague about both the individual's identity and the purpose of their visit," he explained, his words laced with palpable discontent.
As he paused to gauge my reaction, I could sense the tension radiating from him like heat from a flame. "I do find this whole affair preposterous and unruly," he continued, his voice edged with exasperation. "Is there anything you have to say on this matter?" he queried, his gaze fixed firmly on me, awaiting my response.

Soon enough, I surmised that it must be one of the princes who would grace our home with their presence. The palace, no doubt, had chosen to conceal this detail from my father, knowing well his reluctance to welcome any member of the royal family, especially the princes, given the tragic fate that befell his most beloved daughter. Despite my awareness of the situation, I harbored no intentions of intervening at this juncture. I simply nodded in response to my father's inquiry, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Father, I have nothing to add," I asserted calmly. "I will act in accordance with the unfolding circumstances. The identity or purpose of the so-called palace representative holds no sway over me."
A shadow crossed the Duke's face, his expression darkening with an unspoken threat. "Whatever the case may be, I will spare no one who dares to bring harm to my family," he declared, his words laden with a steely resolve. Perhaps borne from a lifetime of experience or a profound understanding of politics and societal dynamics, my father had likely already discerned the true nature behind the sudden notice of an imperial representative's visit. Like me, he had resolved to unravel the palace's machinations as they unraveled before us.

After the meal, the conversation veered away from the tense topic, and once again, it was a time of shared laughter and familial love with my father. As he departed to attend to his duties, I decided to indulge in some rest, taking a leisurely stroll through the garden and reading some books.
Instructing Lily to fetch some books from the library, I requested that she set up a chair in the rose garden, a cherished sanctuary of mine. As Lily departed to retrieve the books, the other maids trailed behind me, eager to assist. However, craving solitude, I dismissed them, expressing my need for some solitary time.

As I strolled through the garden, surrounded by freshly bloomed roses, their sweet fragrance enveloped me, soothing my senses. The gentle breeze tousled my silver hair, lending an ethereal quality to the moment. Petals strewn across the footpath resembled a crimson carpet, as if nature herself had prepared a grand entrance.
Amidst this tranquil setting, the distant clang of swords caught my attention, drawing me closer with an irresistible curiosity. Following the sound, I came upon a clearing where a figure, bathed in the golden light of dawn, moved with a grace that seemed otherworldly. His glistening form glistened with perspiration, a testament to the fervor with which he wielded his sword.

It was Lusav, his every movement a mesmerizing dance with the blade. As I approached, he turned towards me, his eyes locking with mine in an intense gaze. A soft breeze stirred, causing rose petals to rain down around us, painting the air with a delicate hue.

In that moment, the world seemed to hold its breath as we stood there. The trees swayed in silent reverence. It was a fantasy-like scene unfolding before me.

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