DEMON'S OBSESSION (immortal world....)

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                      DEMON'S OBSESSION 💖

                      (Immortal world...........)


⁰ Love & obsession.
⁰ Sex & romance.
⁰ Jealousy & envy.
° appearance Supernatural scenes.
⁰ Erotic scenes.


        🥀💋 EPISODE 7 & 8 💋🥀


"Ouch...." Sienna Groaned in pain holding her head as she staggered slowly towards the Palace gigantic Gates.

She thank the creator that she was not killed by that beast.

She woke up in the forest the next day at sunrise.

"What type of being was that " she whispered and signed, staring at the gate with her vision a little blurry  she staggered towards the entrance of the gate.

Try walking forward inside the gate but started falling slowly into the darkness, she still tried holding up so as not to pass out.

bodyguards on duty in the palace saw a lady with a cloak on her head staggering towards the Palace.

they all came close to her to interrogate her,  rounding her like she was some kind of enemy.

"Hey who are you " one of them asked with their sword out and ready to attack.

But suddenly the lady slumped and fell on one of the guards which made the cloak fall off her face  revealing her  slim shaped face.

"IT'S THE PRINCESS "one of the guard shouted.

It was the princess, they've been looking for so she had not  been in the palace.

The chief guard quickly picked her up in a bridal style and carried her into the palace.



In the quiet chamber of princess sienna, laid her weak body which has been laying there for the past three days and had been attending to treatment but with no sign of recovery.

Her father sat beside her with his hand on her head and his face with a sad expression.

" Hmm.."Suddenly a faint sound came from her throat and the king's eyes fluttered in joy.

fluttering faintly her eyelids signaled the beginning of a remarkable journey back to consciousness.
her eyes slowly flickered open, revealing a moment of confusion and disorientation. The world around her seemed foreign, and the voices of her loved ones sounded distant and muffled.

As she struggled to make sense of her surroundings, the weight of the past three days pressed upon her, leaving her with a profound sense of bewilderment.

With gentle encouragement from Zie and the royal sorceress and the reassuring presence of her father, she gradually began to piece together the fragments of her consciousness. The initial moments were marked by fleeting glimpses of awareness, like scattered rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds after a long storm.

Her body, once still and unresponsive, now showed signs of returning vitality. Though weak and fatigued, the subtle movements of her limbs and the flutter of her eyelids spoke volumes about her indomitable spirit.

Throughout the arduous process of regaining consciousness, the unwavering supports of zie and the other maids and the unwavering love of her father enveloped her like a protective cocoon.

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