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It's been 2 weeks since Russia, I've done my part and went back to my house. Well one of my houses, to be honest I took advantage of the unlimited card with me and bought a new house. Why not?

One thing I love is the ability to manipulate tech, to them it seems as if I last used the card in the UK

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One thing I love is the ability to manipulate tech, to them it seems as if I last used the card in the UK. I've never been there, I want to go though. Plus I bought a few properties for people in need and paid for shit that people in need want. I'm a good person, my employees got to go on dinners with the card.

Till I decided to unfreeze mine and burnt their card. It's time for my life to go on track.

Yes I do think of them but I'm done, I don't do love backs. Not that we loved each other but yeah the same concept. Lying and saying I miss them would be white lie. I think of them everyday, but I'm moving so far on.

I've been back to work full force now, today I have court. Well last day of court, I'm getting a verdict. It's always my favorite time, looking at my opponents eyes as they lose to me.

I don't do court often, but when i do, it's like fire blazing.

Taking my final looks in the mirror, damn I look good. My hair is still straight and red, I love it.

Finishing off my last bits of chocolate pancake, I rinsed my mouth, had my meds and headed out with my Audi

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Finishing off my last bits of chocolate pancake, I rinsed my mouth, had my meds and headed out with my Audi.

I should admit the did change my morning routine, I eat every morning now. Also to take my meds so I'm forced to either.

Arriving in court the press is flooding outside, reasons being:

1. I'm defending an alleged serial killer
2. He's from a so called mafia
3. I'm who I am
4. Drug charges
5. I'm going head to head with a celebrity lawyer

It's been a tough trial but we live.

"Good morning your honor, till this day I'm stressing the conviction of the accused. 5 people died in his hands, the proof clearly states that. The calls, areas, alibis and witnesses. The drugs found in his car on his way to fled and probably sell in Ukrain. He's from a Mafia my lord, we all are in danger. Convict him and save more other people, justice must be served. Please your honor, he can't be running around free and killing people. Thank you"

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