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Last night I made chicken fettuccine Alfredo, even the chef asked for the recipe. I can't help it, I grew up with my mom preparing me for anything. Anything other than dealing with 2 men.

As days go by they are less themselves, less dickheads. I hate that I'm also warming up to their shit.

This morning I have gym, a nice Saturday morning meant for relaxing u have to be sweating. My thighs still in knots but better, thanks to the bath I took before and after dinner.

I'm so getting better, I've been taking my meds pretty well. I have control over myself now, it feels good too.

I feel good too, when was the last time I saw little tiny tones of my abs anyway

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I feel good too, when was the last time I saw little tiny tones of my abs anyway.

It's a lot of work but hey, it pays off.

"Morning guys" "Good mood?" Andy asks. "A little bit doll, don't mess it up for me okay?" I said with a fake smile. "Don't worry, Killian does that job very well" no lies detected.

After having my fruits I had my meds and we kicked it off the gym.

An hour in the treadmill proved I was unfit for real. The other hour was for my abs, most important part of the gym.

Hitting the two hours I was done for the morning. Took a salted bath and rested for two hours.

After getting dressed in shorts and sweater I went down to the guys.

"Last night you didn't meet anyone so today we have lunch with Mason and his wife then dinner with Ludwig and his wife. Mason is a close friend of ours, Ludwig is him" Killian says obviously doesn't like the Ludwig guy.

"He's Russian? Judging from the name" he nods. When are we seeing Mason then?"
"In 2 hours, you can go get ready. Casual" I nodded and left to get ready. So much for my cute shorts.

With my body worked out I feel more confident and comfortable, my red hair just solidifies the whole outfit

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With my body worked out I feel more confident and comfortable, my red hair just solidifies the whole outfit.

"I'm done, we can go" they guys already dressed up, in suites obviously. Just not with ties this time around.

"I like you Doll and I'm fine with your brothers but suites though? If you wanna wear shirts so bad leave the jackets Jesus" I said rolling eyes, making Kian grunt. Not that you can do anything about it big guy.

I gave him a knowing look, as they listened of course. Leaving the jackets.

Heading out with the Bentley Bentyaga they got. I love good listeners.

Driving off an hour to this cute Villa, it is huge but not humongous.

Waking in to thie house being led by a maid there we reach to a pool on the outside, with a table with lunch. Mostly light things, perfect.

"Hey man" Andy says greeting the Mason. He stands up to greet us, along side his wife. "You're with these fuckers, and a fine lady. I never thought you had it in you guys really" he says laughing. I joined in, he's funny. "Fuck you Mason" Killian says annoyed.

"Ms Rodrigo, this is my wife Riona. Pleasure to finally put the face to the rumors. You've made quite the impression" "Call me E. Nice to meet you both."

Going on the lunch was nice and light, funny as fuck. Riona is a good chick, made a friend out of her. She's pretty, confident and funny. I like her, she has a  fashion line.

I ended the lunch agreeing to be her model for her spring collection.

After the lunch and getting three approvals I need only one more and be done with this shit.


Getting ready for this one is not hard, no specific dress code. Apart from be comfortable and presentable.

I'm in the mood for an easy outfit, it's a little chilli outside all of a sudden

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I'm in the mood for an easy outfit, it's a little chilli outside all of a sudden.

Yet again another dinner with Ludwig and Delilah who i don't think likes me very much.

"Why do you work if you're dating billionaires E?" Ludwig asks with clear judgment on his tone.
"It's theirs not mine, I'm not a leech" I said with clear annoyance.

"So you own companies. Why not get people to work for you and just recieve money" Delilah says.
"Unethical" that's all I said. Given how they described their mother, she would love Delilah.

"I like your skirt, where did you get it? Looks cheap though does it itch?" She says faking concern. I can't even eat here. Table filled with meat and meat and meat.

"Really? Cute. It's okay not everyone has an eye for expensive things, this skirt can pay for you spa, yoga and lunch" I said drinking water.

It's the only thing I'm in the mood for in people's houses.

After looking offended and obviously his husband is too I'm sure I'm not getting their approval and it's fine.

"I'll end this quick, I do not take kindly to disrespect. You know who I am and you know what I'm capable off, I don't think I'll beg for your approval. We'll take your leave, fix your makeup. Looks like frozen used oil" I said standing up and the guys following suite.

Getting into the car the ride is sour.

"I'm sorry about tonight but I won't bend over some judging bitches" I say with no response given. I rest my head on Andy. "It's okay Cracker" he said holding my hand. I appreciate this guy.


After that long awkward ride we made it home and first thing I did was get rid of the clothes, shower and head to Kians room.

"You can sleep in my room today" I said to him as he was just sitted on his bed. He nods.

I walk back to my room and slept, well almost. Until I heard my door open and Kian got in bed.

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