Blue Ivy Knowles

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Beyoncé's Pov

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I'll come with you, what's up?" Nicki asked putting on some clothes.

"Onika no"

"you're seriously going to leave me after we had sex? this is what we are now huh?"

"Robyn's in labor, I.... I'll text you"

She sat back on the bed and sighed. She can't just show up there, she's the main reason why I wasn't with Robyn right now.

"Yeah Solange, im on my way" All i have rn is a sweatpant, tank top under my black hoodie and a slides.

I drove 15 minutes to reach the clinic and when I got there Solange, Mel, Kelly and everybody else was already there including our parents.

"Maybe you should try to be early next time?" An upset Kelly said to me. It says on her face.

The room got quiet and my mom was studying my move and everything.

"why you had a hood on?"

"It's cold and im just wearing a tank top"

"And why is the part of your neck area red?" Dad asked.

"It was the curling iron"

"That excuse is so old. You're with OTM right? Just say it" Kelly crossed her arms.

"I will be damned if you go inside the delivery room later on. Shame on you to touch your first child with your side chick's dna with you" Solange being mad as usual.

"Beyoncé I need to talk to you regarding about the procedure" Chelle said and Mom disagreed.

"Just tell everybody. She can't decide if Robyn's going to undergo C-section or not. She doesn't deserve to see the baby either"

"What the fuck?! Without due of respect but you've gone too far mama!"

"Don't talk to mama like that Giselle"

"Shut up trying to be present in my child's life! I told you im going to send you a check!"

"I ain't asking for that yo! All im asking is for you to grow up! BE THE WOMAN WHO YOU ARE! GROW UP!" Solange barked.

"ENOUGH! Please respect me right now because I've been in this clinic delivering babies for 28 hours now"

"Is it safe?"

"Yes. I guarantee you 100 percent. My team is always on the side and ready"

"Am I allowed inside?"

"no, no ones going to be inside since y'all are arguing things around"

" she okay?"

"She's 50/50 right now. The baby is healthy and her water already broke. The safest way is to let her deliver the baby normally and the little one will be out"

"Do anything you can please"

Michelle nodded and proceeded to scrub in. Robyn was laying on the table so that they can do the procedure.

I sat outside of the room and my dad sat beside me handing me a coffee.

"you're worried?"

"As fuck"

"Giselle, we didn't raise you to be like this. What happened with you?"

"Onika. It's Onika"

"I told you to avoid. Bey she ruined your life"

"I know papa. She just keep coming back like nothing happened"

"She cheated on you. Her family burned our Home. She tried to stab you, what's next? she's going to come for Robyn and your daughter? worse than that. You know she's a psycho"

"I know papa, im so sorry...i..iam" I hugged him and cried. "Im sorry..sorry"

"you should be saying that to your Mom and sister. I didn't like how you raised your voice at them"

"Im sorry papa. Im just so pressured. I don't like this. I don't like it when something happens with the people I love. I already lost Bianca, my best dog munchie... I don't know what's next"

"You'll be fine bumblebee. You'll be safe here with me" She pulled my head into his arms.

"Thank you. Thank you papa"

"always welcome"

"Do you think I'm ready for this baby? I don't know"

"You will be. I remembered the time when i saw you for the first time after your mom gave birth to you. You got this pretty big brown eyes, you just look like your momma a lot!"

"Beyincé genes are strong"

"Mhm, now Solange looks also like you and your mom"

"I bet my baby girl is going to look like her mommy. Robyn is dang beautiful papa. I wanted my child to look like her"

"We'll see, i guess it's Robyn Jr. now huh?" We both chuckled until we heard mom's heels.

"Ronald and Monica is here. Bey seriously apologize to them and greet them"

I sighed getting up my seat. I saw Mr. Fenty walking towards us with her wife. He is a great man and i know that Robyn is one of his responsibility so i knew he's going to show up even though he's in Europe or Asia.


"Mr. Fenty, it's nice to see you" I held out my hand for him to shake but he didn't touch it.

"Thank you for acknowledging us darling, is the procedure ongoing?" Mama monica asked me and her husband walked with my parents

"Yes. She's been there for an hour now. We still didn't got an update"

"why aren't you there inside?"

"Chelle didn't allow anyone" She sighed holding my hands.

"Beyoncé. I know what's between you and Robyn and the Maraj thing. Your daughter is coming sooner. I'm not trying to be in your business but please i beg you to be present in your daughter's life"

She sighed and looked at me. "Please just be with your daughter if she needs you. I know Roby doesn't deserve this but she need your help with this"

"I promise Mama. I would never let her suffer alone"

"thank you"

Two hours has passed and Robyn was finally transfered into her private room. the baby was in the nursery room and incubated. She's pretty. You can't see her face yet but she has black hair, brown eyes and lightskin.

Like me.

Her name is Blue. Our blueberry was officially out. Blue Ivy Knowles.

Now I knew what real adoration feels like. My baby.

I got to see my child first while Robyn was still recovering. She was in oxygen and still asleep.

I touched her hand and kissed it multiple times saying thank you for carrying our child and for sacrificing her life.

"I love you, thank you for making my life complete"

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