60 Days Of Fianceé

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Before y'all get confused, Their relationship is arranged by their parents...so yeahh 😭

Beyoncé's little appreciations and little acts of service>>>>

Beyoncé's Pov

I hate mornings. I hate it when I wake up with a hard dick. I've been like this every morning since i started sleeping in the same bed as Robyn.

It's been sixty days....Sixty days...

She's still lying in bed with my black t-shirt on with a black lace thong, nipples poking.

She's so sexy.

I like her now, she's actually sweet.

"Uh, Bey can you get me green mangoes in the store? I really want one"

"I'll see when I get there, is that all?"

"yeah, thanks. I'll pay you"

"no need" I grabbed my keys and drove to the nearest store in L.A.

I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and listened to my jams. I got a text from my sister and she said our family is coming tomorrow for the cookout.

I need to get all the list Robyn sent me. It was all veggies, fruits, every kind of meat and the least....the green mangoes she's been craving.

I got it all and went to buy a big bouquet of flowers. After that I went home.

"Thank you, you're here. Did you get everything?"


"okay good"

"you've been so pressured about this dinner thing, you good?"

"I need to impress your family Beyoncé"

"They are already impressed by you. Isn't that why they arranged our marriage?"

"But still. Where's my green mangoes?"

"In the-"

"oh my.." She found it and peeled the skin off, she got a salt and dipped it in it.


"wai-" She ran in the bathroom and locked it. I heard her puking her life out.

"Rob? you good?" She didn't respond and minutes later she got out of the bathroom.

"I...do you think im pregnant?"

I realized everything....


"we will go to the doctor as soon as possible. Im not ready for a child Beyoncé. I will chop your penis off if i find out im pregnant"

"I- "

"and i will chase you with a knife around"

"What do you want me to do?!"

"oh you raising your voice at me now?"

"Robyn no"

"fuck, i cant be pregnant Bey!"

"Why not?"

"Im 30!"

"you always can get a abortion if you want, it's your body"

It pained after saying that. I wanted a child, I wanted her. I love her already. I like her since we're 12 but I always show her the opposite.

"I will really take an abortion"

"I gotta go to work now" I left her in the kitchen and went to my bathroom to shower and get ready for work.

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