Bey Jr's Expensive Parents

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Robyn's Pov

I can only imagine how would it be if I didn't fell in love with Beyoncé. She sent a voicemail saying she's drunk and It made me annoyed.


: Are you still mad at me?

: Yes.

: I can make it up to you 70 times

: How?

: 1, Kiss you 😘

: And the Rest?

: 69 🤤😋

That was weird. I left her on seen anyway. Who the fuck does that position? I'm a 'twerk on that dick' typa girl not a 69 typa girl. That's not ladylike.

"Did you know how much would it cost if I buy a big stroller for the baby? I wanted to have something like Noah has"

"Matter of a fact...Bey gave this to Titan first then I just reused it for Noah"


"maybe you should talk to her about the baby stuffs, she could help you figure out and she can suggest. I promise Bey isn't going to be stressful"

"She just asked me for a 69 and now you want me to talk to her? Strange"

"Just try"

I texted her anyway.


: I'm going to buy stuff for the baby, can you help?

: Yeha, where do you plan to do baby shopping?

: Kelly told me you're good at picking baby stuffs. Maybe you could suggest where?

: Baby...
: I bought all of those baby items in Italy back then 2014.
: Those are Fendi from the onesies, baby bag, strollers and socks.

: i just wanted a baby bag for now...

: You down to Paris? We can set an appointment at Hermes
: I badly wanted a Hermes Baby. Hermes blankets, hermes toy horses 🥺
: I love horses, the country girl in me always love horses.

: I have my 2nd month check up tomorrow.
: 8:30, don't be late.

We started talking again but not like that. Nothing intimate. That's the longest text i have ever shared with her for the past 5 weeks.

I don't answer calls, I don't text back to her goodmornings. She have flowers delivered everyday and honestly, it's all beautiful. With handwritten letters of appreciation that i can't read because of her bad handwriting.

"Kelly, is Bey really a sweet person?"

"You know, I grew up in Atlanta and she grew up in Houston. She has two sisters and among those, she is the eldest. She's a super hero to Solange and Bianca. Until Bianca died, she became colder than the titanic water. How old were you both when y'all met?"

"7 years old"

"yeah, she's sweet and stubborn that times until she grew up. She's a goofy girl when she was little too. Does she show that?"

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