Cold Shoulders

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Beyoncé's Pov

After the check up, Robyn asked for Blueberries. We went to the store and bought all she wanted.

We also got her pregnancy vitamins, anything for the baby and later on we will be flying to Paris for the baby bag things.

Our parents knew about this Paris trip. It ain't a problem now.

"Peaches, stop working so much" I closed her MacBook.

"I need to work Beyoncé" Now I'm Beyoncé. Not Honeybee.

"Okay but as soon as we board on the plane and we get to land in France, no work aight? I don't want you to overwork yourself"

She sighed. Ignoring my whole existence. She's only doing that to ignore me.

I took a nap and woke up almost 6PM. I went to find Robyn and she's still on that damn MacBook.

"Peaches, are you all set? Did you pack?"

"Yes Beyoncé"

"Come on Now" I took off my shirt and changed into a hoodie.

"oh...fuck" I heard her said lowly. She was looking at my back, full of her healed nail marks from our activities previous weeks ago.

"what was you saying?"

"Nothing, is Julius already out there?"

"Waiting for us in the airport mama"

She stopped doing whatever she's doing on her MacBook and put it inside her bag. She was retouching her make up and of course i was just standing there waiting.

I put all of our bags inside the SUV and my new driver drove us into the airport within 12 minutes.

Robyn had on a similar hoodie like mine and she had on a pair of shorts. God knows what's under there.

I saw her change her underwear into a white lace thong and no shirt under her hoodie. She's comfortable with it.

I think it's sexy when she's like that but again, we need to respect how she likes to dress you know.

"Bab- Beyoncé, pass me that pillow please" I passed it to her and she went to sleep right away when we stepped inside the jet.

"Excuse me, do we have lays chips back there ? can I have two bags?" I asked the flight attendant. I wanna watch a movie.

"Yes ma'am, anything more you like?" The flight attendant said in her flirting voice and that made Robyn shot her eyes open.

"White win-"

"She only asked for chips right? go get her that and my Fianceé will call you when she needs anything" She said slightly annoyed and the flight attendant just did what she said.

She scrolled down through her phone and I thought she was on Instagram but then I heard Melissa's voice.

"Hey, how is it going?"

"We're flying for good 15 minutes now, where are you?"

"With Solange, where's Bey?"

"Watching a movie i guess"

"Robyn ask her if she want a Handjob" I choked on my chips and stood up to go to the bathroom.

Mel and my sister being together isn't a surprise. They're friends, Shawn also joins them sometimes. Solange,Mel,Robyn,Shawn, Dwayne and I grew up being friends because of our parents being business partners.

I went to spit out the chips I was eating and grabbed another bag when I got back out.

"You want some, peaches?"

"Im fine, thank you"

She's now going back to sleep and I was back to watching Game of Thrones in the Bedroom.

Few minutes after a sleepy Robyn opened the door and sat on the bed where I was laying.

"Can you take your shirt off? I'm cold and I need body contact to warm me, I also want your smell right now"

She told me that being pregnant is also making her clingy. She cried earlier because she wants to be around me and smell me.

I took off my hoodie and shirt off and she joined me in bed resting her head on top of my chest.

I kissed her forehead and we slept until dinner was served.


"Peaches, do you want some dessert?"

"just a little sweet. Can you pass me that cookies"

"The butter one or the oatmeal?"

"oatmeal please" I passed her the cookies and kissed her cheek.

"I'll be right back"

I took a pee in the bathroom again for the 3rd time. I think it's from the water I drank today. I drank a lot of water because of my workout.

I got back on my seat and saw that my phone was on Robyn's hand. I think she read my messages.

"Onika texted you, might be important"

She texted me 'When are you coming back from Paris?' followed by 'See you when you get back papi' and some kissing emoji.

I think Robyn also saw our texts yesterday. Being a lil...flirty..

She's now under the fluffy blankets and pretending to be asleep. I sighed and closed my eyes too. I'm just going to sleep until we land.


"Babe, I swear those messages are old, im not in contact with her"  I defended myself.

"Look, your relationship with her isn't my business. Let's just do this for the baby then I'll go back in L.A for my personal things"

"But I thought I'm staying with you until you give birth?"

"Im fine, im with Kelly anyway"

"I thought you needed me?"

She didn't answer the question and turned her back at me.

"Baby, are you jealous because of the text you read?"

"nobody's jealous" She said. I heard a sniffle though.

"Of course"

She just pissed me off. One thing I don't like when I talk to people is when they are not straight forward and don't answer you directly.  The fuck am i talking to you for?

I continued watching my show until we landed in Paris. Just minutes after the flight, she's giving me the cold shoulders.

"Rihanna I'm talking to you" She sighed taking off her airpod.

"What? You can just order and we eat"

"Im asking you what do you want to eat"

"I don't want anything"

"Driver, roll up the partition please" He did and I talked to Robyn mad.

"so you just want to starve? you been giving me attitude the whole day, the whole flight. Lucky your ass I didn't take you at the back and stuffed your throat with dick"

"It's mad disrespectful for you to talk to me like that. Fine, Just get me fries and chicken"

"Is that all you wanted? Don't you want anything Japanese?" I know she likes japanese food.

"Sushi and Sashimi"

"That's what response means. Respond to me when Im asking you something"

"Tu crois que je voulais te parler?" Do you think I wanted to talk to you?

"est-ce que je le saurais si tu ne me parles pas?" would i know if you don't talk to me?

"Je te déteste, tu mérites qu'on piétine ton long cou" I hate you, you deserve to have your long neck trampled.

"Je t'aime aussi, pêches" I love you too peaches.

I kissed her cheek and let out a chuckle. This is why you don't fuck with spoiled girls. They act exactly like this.

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