22. I burn for you

Start from the beginning

"What were you doing up there?" I asked.

"Looking for you." He said it in a way which to anyone else would sound honest, to me, it sounded like a lie. It was like how he could recognise me in the darkness when no one else could, I could recognise him too. 

We made it to the embassy and before they started asking questions Kaz was immediately brought up. We followed, and then the questions started.

 The first question was about Kaz's whereabouts. Kaz and Nina had split, which was obvious. Kaz told them what he had told me. "You jeopardized the mission for her?" Inej asked with a wince, she looked to her feet and I saw how the rubber of her shoes had melded into her skin. It was disgusting to say the least. Her feet were blistered and grotesque and the rubber seemed a part of her. "She's necessary." My heart skipped a beat, I swear I had to get a grip. I know I'm needed, otherwise I wouldn't be here. Just because Kaz said I was needed doesn't mean my heart has to back flips. I saw Nina smirk at me and I stuck my tongue out at her.

Inej put her foot to the floor and her leg gave out and she fell to the floor. I moved like lightning to her side. "What happened when you were caught?" she asked as Jesper started to remove the rubber on Kaz's command. "I was put in what amounts to an ice bath, almost drugged by Jarl Brum, then escaped to find my knight in shining armour." I smirked at Kaz and he rolled his eyes. "Sounds like a fun time." 

"It was. I grew wings and flew out of there like a phoenix."

"Well you are the child of one." she said, mockingly.

"And it seems like you played with fire and got burned."

"Yes, well, be glad I did because otherwise we're not getting paid."

"Saints forbid that." I moved closer to her, "Kaz would go mental." We both laughed and I embraced my best friend as Jesper removed the final bit of rubber. 

"On a serious note," Nina began, "What's our situation?"  she asked Matthias. I knew the elderclock had begun to chime, which was probably because of me escaping and not killing all of them, but at that point I wanted to get out of there and back to my friends. "This is yellow protocol, a sector disturbance."

"Meaning?" Jesper asked.

"My guess is they think someone is attempting a prison break. This sector is already blocked off from the rest of the Ice Court, so they'll authorise a search, probably try figure out who's missing. They'll also be on high alert for her." He points to me. 

I stand at attention, "Then they can burn with the other men I killed." 

"They'll find the people we knocked out in the holding areas." Said Wylan, "We need to stop looking for Bo Yul-Bayur and leave." How could he say that? We're probably trapped in anyway, we might as well get what we came for. That way, if we actually succeed in getting out, we can get paid. "It's too late." Matthias started, thought so. "If they think a prison break is in progress the checkpoints will be on high alert. They're not going to let anyone just walk through." 

"We could still try." Jesper pleaded, "We get Inej's feet patched up -"

Inej tested her soles on the gravel, "My feet are fine, my calluses are gone, though." Oh, shit. 

"Can't you try?" Jesper asked me. "I could, but I'm not Inej. I can climb a building and hop a roof. I can break into buildings silently. But I can't do what she's just done, especially not with how weak I am after those prisons." Jesper frowned and I felt a pang of guilt. I was ashamed I wasn't good enough. "Why don't we bash a few party goers and leave dressed in their finest?"

"Past the embassy and two checkpoints?" Matthias questioned him. Jesper tried to say something and I grew irritated so I interrupted, "They'll be on high alert for me more than anything. My eyes can't be tailored, I have my scar. There is no escape through those checkpoints. Only through another way." 

"Agreed." Nina said, I smiled at her. I was glad someone was on my side. "Besides, I want to find Bo Yul-Bayur and I'm not leaving without him." She sounded incredibly adamant, and she kind of reminded me of Zoya in that moment. She sounded like a soldier with a task to complete. "Whats the point?" Said Wylan,  "Even if you get to the White Island and find him. Jesper's right: We need to leave." 

"What do you think, Kaz?" I asked him. He'd be the one they'd listen to. He's the reason Jesper, Inej, and I got in and out of the Little Palace. He's the reason Matthias is out of Hellgate. He's been the expert strategist and puppet master for all of this. They would listen to him. 

He didn't have time to answer, "It wouldn't matter." Said Matthias, "They've added a new check point." He pointed to a crowd of delegates. "I know a way." Inej states.

"We cut through the checkpoint and enter with the delegates." She pointed below to where two groups of people had entered the rotunda and were shaking the mist from their clothes. The girls from the House of the Blue Iris were easily noticeable, so were the Men of the Anvil. "The West Stave delegations are starting to arrive. We can get in."

"Inej -" Kaz and I said in unison. Not only was it risky for me but it was risky for her too. We were her best attractions. If Heleen was here - I didn't even want to think about the repercussions. "Nina, [N], and I can get in." she continued. She straightened her posture, and she seemed fearless to me. The girl that was afraid and wanted her parents seemed as if a faint memory. This was a fucking survivor, "We can get in with the menagerie." I will forever curse those damn words.


Kaz looked as if he wanted to burn this Ice court down. "You know the uniforms." Inej starts, "Heavy cloaks, hoods. Enough to conceal faces." She gestures to me. "It will be all the Fjerdan's see. A Zemini Fawn. A Kaelish Mare." Not real girls. People with no choice but to please them. "A Suli Lynx." She swallowed, "A Phoenix." I replied, the taste of the words were bitter on my tongue. "That place is reserved for you."

"She got a look alike recently, without the scars. They don't get the Phoenix child but they get something to fulfill their fantasy of conquering me." That was how the girl had explained it to me when I saw her on East Stave one day in the year between Ravka and now. I was confused but I was also worried. Business had gone down for Heleen once Inej and I had both left. She had amber eyes, close enough to my ones of the brightest fire, so she had been chosen. I thought it was funny how men had those fantasies, fire was not an element that was conquered. It was the conqueror.  "it's a risk." Said Kaz.

"Then what would you like us to do?" I asked him. 

"What job isn't?" Inej rebuked. 

"Kaz, how are you and Matthias going to get through?" Nina asked, finally. Kaz was getting bombarded with questions and I found it funny. I smirked and he scowled at me. "We might need you for locks, and if things go bad on the island, I don't want to be stranded. I doubt you can pass yourselves off as members of the menagerie." 

"That shouldn't be a problem. Helvar's been holding out on us -" I looked to Matthias. 

Kaz had said that if there was a problem with the bridge they'd get the royals out which meant there was another way. Matthias explained there was and Kaz had come up with his plan. We'd trigger Black protocol, the one that we thought would mean certain death, but apparently not and hopefully things will all go to plan. I trust Kaz and he's gotten us out of the most secure place in Ravka, so I'm sure we can get out of the most secure place in Fjerda.

We'd be separated again, though. I'd be with Inej and Nina. And we'd make our movements according to the chimes of the Elderclock. I was afraid, if I was being honest. The only reason I didn't burn this place down with everyone inside it was because of my friends. It would be a lot easier though. 

A/n - I know these apologies happen often but again, I'm apologising for not updating. I have been insanely busy with college, I am currently mentally and physically unwell, and it was my birthday like a week ago and I was insanely busy during that time. I hope you can forgive me and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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