2. Journey through the fold

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We enter Novokribirsk in a small carriage. It was amazing to finally leave Kerch behind, even if it is for a small amount of time. "I didn't hire you to simply get across the fold. You're with us because you smuggle Grisha out of the Little palace and that's the location of our target" I feel elated at the mention of a place where I could be safe from the horrors of this world and where I also have the chance to train as an Inferni, free from a slavers market, or a bullet in the heart. "Sun Summoner" Inej points out, "Alleged." 

"They wouldn't keep a fraud in the most secure location in all of Ravka" Inej explains, trying at a futile attempt to convince Kaz of Alina Starkov's supposed gift. I refuse to take any side until I see her for myself. "You said you have a contact who can get us inside. A heartrender. How do I know we can trust her?" Kaz accuses The Conductor (whose real name we found out was Arken) ignoring Inej's reasoning. "Nina grew up there."

"Most Grisha grew up in the Little Palace." Kaz pauses, I envy them, I wish they could've found me and trained me. Put me in a kefta and let me be of service to my kind; but no, I was forced to sign an indenture contract and be used every night by the men of Ketterdam. I feel my blood boil and my anger burn inside me. I can tell my eyes are glowing, Inej looks at me and places her hand on mine. It reminds me I did not go through that alone, not entirely and I calm down.  "Very few would betray their general, and fewer still would help foreigners kidnap their most prized possession." Kaz adds

"Nina's a radical. She thinks Grisha should get to choose if they serve the crown. She despises involuntary service more than she does Fjerdans." I can not wait to meet this girl, she sounds awesome.


"She knew to expect us" Arken confirms as we walk into the motel room, it's really cozy, It's warm and dry unlike home with mother and it's simple unlike the Menagerie and it's extravagance. "She isn't late, she's gone" I walk over to her bed and close the suitcase, "Yes, but her things are all..." I interject Arken, "A wolf pin? Fjerda right?" I ask the room. "Druskelle. They are ruthless Grisha hunters." Arken explains, I gulp in fear, maybe nowhere is safe then. Not with people like Druskelle out there. "Explains the Fjerdan krydda the innkeeper was counting when we arrived. It's likely he ratted her out." That poor woman, I wonder where she is and I hope she's okay. "She's probably captive on a ship to Fjerda by now." 

"They had a clear line of attack" Inej notices. "Take a look. Make sure there aren't any more surprises" with Kaz's command, Inej goes off. "Well, that's that, we've lost our way into the Little Palace." Arken states, I look to Kaz, surely he's got an idea, I've not known the guy long but he seems determined and not one to give up easy. I'm sure he'll find a way. He has too, if not, I'll run, go to Novyi Zem or find my way to the Little Palace and show them what I am.

We leave, and I have half a mind to burn the receptionist from the inside out for ratting out Nina. Woah, that's a bit violent, what the hell has gotten into me? "All clear" Inej says as she drops down. "This seems like a reasonable juncture to abandon this whole Sun Summoner plan." Arken states, he's kidding right? I'm sure there's another way, "Abandon?" Kaz says, clearly thinking a similar thing to me, probably just more certain. "We're in this now. And I know what a million kruge means to me. What does it mean to you?" he continues.

"Freedom." Inej and I say in unison;

"Fun. Like, at least for a few months." Jesper replies.


"Right, so we press on. You get us across the Fold and I'll figure out the rest on the other side." Wow, this guy is inspirational. "Fine, to cross I'll need: 20lbs of Alabaster coal, a peck of Majdaloun jurda, uh, not the kind from Kerch. It's too weak. And uh... a goat." I can't help but let out a burst of laughter, "what do you need a goat for?" I ask, "You'll see" he replies, wow, this guy is cryptic.

Let my fires protect you || Kaz Brekker X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang