9. Waffles

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A/n - Sorry this took so long I got distracted by reading fanfiction instead of writing it, but uploads will be more frequent, I promise.

"How was your night with Kaz?" Inej asks as I wake up, I feel a strong pain in my head and bile rising up in my throat, Shit, I'm hungover, I think, I hope so, if I'm coming down with something that makes me useless, "Fine." I groan, I hope Kaz was drunk enough not to remember what happened, I think the only reason I fell asleep was because I was drunk, for most of the night I couldn't get his face out of mind, when I tried to touch him he looked horrified, "Get ready, quickly. Kaz needs to assign us our mission." she explains, I didn't change out of my gear it seems, so I brush my hair and go downstairs.

When I see Kaz, I give him a shy nod but he pays me no notice, I feel shame rise up in me, why didn't I just leave? I could've left when he told me to and maybe we could actually be friends, "Nina Zenik, the heartrender Arken mentioned has arrived in Ketterdam, you're to bring her into the Dregs before the Dime Lions recruit her, she's currently working at the house of the White Rose, third floor. Leave when you're ready but be quick about it." he refuses to even look at me, I just nod and leave to my room.

"What did you do?" Inej asks, her voice was filled with fury, her eyes burned bright with it too, "I don't want to talk about it." I fall on my bed and look at the wooden roof, "Not to burst your bubble, but we eavesdropped on you guys, Jesper and I, and well, we'd never heard Kaz so happy, I mean he laughs sometimes, but he sounded so elated, now he can't look at you. Whatever happened last night, fix it, I don't care how." I stay quiet, I want nothing more than that, but how do I fix something with a man who won't even look at me? 


The White Rose wasn't as bad as the Menagerie, they were still horrible considering they were both still brothels but Onkle Felix was said to not be as much of a sadistic bitch as Heleen, but he was still bad. I climbed the wall fairly easily, the outside was covered in iron roses, there were window boxes filled with white roses, the only ones that could actually grow in Ketterdam due to the horrible pollution that plagued the city, the smell of them was probably the only good smell that was in Ketterdam. I started climbing the wall to the third floor and when I reached it, I must've been one lucky piece of shit because what I thought was her was calming a man by holding his hands in hers, that's heartrender power. Good, I found her. I hide behind the curtains and wait until the man had gone.

Nina went to wash up when I brought myself into the light of her room. "Are you here to kill me? Because I'd suggest you leave now if that's the case." she must've recognised my heartbeat, I was really excited to meet her after Arken's description so this was a moment I've been excited for, for quite a while, my heartbeat was racing. She was really beautiful, her hair was a long, curly brown which rested nicely onto her chest and her eyes we're an emerald green which I could get lost in if I looked at her long enough. I put my arms up in surrender, "I come in peace." I say, she turns round and smiles, and holds out her hand for me to shake, "Well, that's good, I'd hate to stop your heart. I'm Nina Zenik and you are -" she looks into my eyes and I get ready for an attack that doesn't come, "A living legend." This again, I groan and pull down my black hood, "According to literally any person who has lived in East Ravka, yes apparently so. Is this the part where you try and kill me for being an 'enemy to all'?" she sits down on her chair and offers me a seat, "No, I'm not going to, despite my training in the second army. I think you are very interesting and too attractive to die." My heart flutters in my chest and I feel blood rushing to my cheeks, Nina smirks and I take the seat she offered me, "that and most of the shit the General preached was bullshit, I think you can find your anchor and keep them and the world alive, you just need to push for that happy ending. When I said that to Kirigan I was told it didn't matter, you're still a threat to Grisha and normal people alike, I still didn't care." my spirits felt raised to the point where I just wanted to thank her for existing, after what I had done to Kaz I felt overcome with guilt, now I had at least some hope again that I could make things right. "Why are you here anyways?" 

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