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My name is Lucy Chen and I have been working at the Mid Wilshire police station for over five years now. I am a patrol officer along with my partner, Jackson West. We have been partners since our police academy days and have become the best of friends. We are both passionate about our job and are always on the lookout for any action or crime in the busy streets of Los Angeles.

Working at the police station is not an easy job, but it is definitely an exciting one. Our team consists of a diverse group of officers. John Nolan, a former construction worker, is now a training officer. Nyla Harper and Angela Lopez are both detectives, sharp and always on top of their game. And Tim Bradford, he is our Sergeant, always barking orders, but a great leader nonetheless.

One day, while on patrol, Jackson and I received a call about a possible break-in at one of the houses in the neighborhood. We quickly made our way to the location and found the door slightly open. We cautiously entered the house, guns drawn, and searched every room, but found no signs of a forced entry or intruder. As we were about to leave, I heard a faint noise coming from upstairs. We both headed towards the sound and found it coming from one of the bedrooms.

I slowly pushed open the door and saw a figure lying on the bed, pleasuring themselves. I quickly recognized Angela, who was supposed to be on duty at the station. Flustered and embarrassed, she tried to cover herself with the sheets, but it was too late. Jackson and I had already seen everything.

'Angela, what are you doing?' I asked, trying to keep a straight face.

'I-I...uhh...I was just taking a break,' she stuttered, still trying to hide.

'Taking a break by yourself in someone else's house?' Jackson chimed in, not letting her off the hook.

Angela looked flustered and ashamed. She was known for her love for pleasure, especially self-pleasure. It was rumored that she always carried a vibrator with her, just in case. She was known as the 'naughty' one in the team and we all sort of accepted her for who she was. But getting caught by her colleagues was a whole different situation.

We all knew that Tim was going to have a field day with this. He always had a soft spot for Angela, but also loved to give her a hard time. As soon as we reached the station and told Tim what happened, he couldn't stop laughing.

'Nooo, Angela, you got caught red-handed!' Tim exclaimed, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes.

'Shut up, Tim. It's not funny,' Angela retorted, still trying to regain her composure.

'Come on, guys. Let's give her a break,' John intervened, trying to diffuse the tension.

'Thanks, John,' Angela said, grateful for his support.

'Okay, but just this once. After all, we are a team and we should support each other,' Tim added, trying to sound sincere.

'Sure, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night Tim,' I jokingly said, making everyone laugh.

As the day went on, the incident was quickly forgotten and things went back to normal. However, it was clear that Angela was still embarrassed and upset about being caught in such a compromising situation. She avoided us for a few days and kept to herself.

One day, while on a case together, Angela opened up to me about her love for self-pleasure. She told me that she had been doing it since she was a teenager and it was just a way for her to relieve stress and feel good about herself.

'I'm sorry you guys had to see me like that. It's a personal thing for me and I never meant for anyone to find out,' Angela confessed, looking down at her feet.

'Don't worry, Angela. We all have our secrets. And now, you know ours too,' I replied, giving her a reassuring pat on the back.

Angela smiled gratefully and from that day on, we became closer friends. She no longer felt the need to hide her love for self-pleasure and even joked about it with us. Our team dynamic became even stronger and we were all able to support and understand each other better.

Looking back, the incident was a bit embarrassing, but it also brought our team closer together. We learned to laugh at ourselves and accept each other for who we are. And as for Angela, she no longer felt the need to hide a part of herself and was able to embrace it without any shame.

Now, whenever we pass by that house, we jokingly refer to it as 'Angela's sanctuary'. It serves as a reminder of that funny yet memorable incident and how it brought us all closer together as a team. Our work at the Mid Wilshire police station may not always be easy, but with the right support system, we can handle anything that comes our way.

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