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When she was younger, she was belittled and constantly put down by everyone. She was alone and turned to self harm to bring some control into her life. So when she started at the LAPD Mid Wilshire division she kept a close booked and never let anyone get too close to her.

One day, Lucy was cuffing a suspect when her sleeves rolled up revealing her scars from her self-harming. Tim and Angela both saw the scars, once Lucy put the suspect into the shop they pulled her aside.

Angela: "Lucy, what are those?" Lucy looked down and saw her scars, she quickly pulled her sleeves down.

Lucy: "Just a cat scratched me." Lucy quickly moved away but Tim gently grabbed one of her arms turning her to face them.

Tim: "Luce, please tell us. We are here for you."

Lucy: "I can't."

Tim: "Could you tell me please?" Lucy looked at his soft expression, she could see the fear and worry in his eyes. Lucy has always had a crush on Tim but knew that she wasn't good enough, but she knew she had to tell him.

Lucy: "I can't, everyone will look at me differently."

Tim: "I'm here, I'm not going to judge." Angela got the hint and left them alone.

Lucy: "There just some cuts, no biggie."

Tim: "Are they self harm scars?"

Lucy: "Ummm, yeah from when I was younger. I never had a good life. When I was younger, I was belittled and constantly put down by everyone, I felt so alone so I turned to self harm."

Tim: "Oh Lucy, you're not alone anymore, you have the whole station for support."

Lucy: "It doesn't matter, they were right that I'm just a weak girl, I'm fat and ugly so no man will ever want me." Tim took a step closer to her.

Tim: "No they were wrong. Your one of the strongest people I know, your not fat or ugly ... actually your so beautiful and incredible. Any man would be lucky to have you in their lives, I'm so grateful for meeting you."

Lucy: "You mean it?"

Tim: "Yeah I do. Lucy, I love you so much and always have since the day we met."

Lucy: "You love me?"

Tim: "Yeah I do, now come here." Tim hugs Lucy tightly, after a few minutes she pulls back. She pulls Tim down to her, their lips crash together.

Lucy: "I love you too. I was scared to tell you as I'm not good enough for you." Tim rests his hands on her hips.

Tim: "You are good for me. You're perfect okay? You just have some demons, just like me and we will work together. I'm not leaving you alone anymore." Lucy nods. Tim pulls her back in for a passionate kiss.

A few days later, they end up having sex together for the first time and Lucy moves in with Tim.

Tim helps Lucy out one her demons and she is so much more happier. She is extremely grateful for Tim's help, love and support.

The Rookie - OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora