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Angel pov.

When I got to my hotel room that night, I took off my heels getting into the shower. My mind kept going to Aristos, He's an adult now. I didn't expect him to still care about me or want me. I expected him to be mad.

I climbed into bed that night, thinking about him for hours not being able to sleep. Was he sleep? Was he thinking about me?

I sat up in my room watching TV until the sun came up, I got out of bed walking over to my bags. I put on a black pair of jeans, and a white body suit with sleeves.

I sat down on my bed pulling on my combat boots, after my socks. Zipping them up gently, I grabbed my black jacket and my phone.

I sat down, pulling my hair into a claw clip.

I left my hotel room about 30 minutes later, I had texted Aristos

Hey Ari
Hey ma, were finna head out for the next city. Scott said he wants you too come.

I sighed, I had my stuff and went to Aristos and Scotts Tour bus. Ari had greeted me with that pretty smile of his and a hug

"Hey Ari" I said "Hey ma" Aristos hugged me. I held onto him for a moment. Looking in his eyes.

"oh so you'll say hey to him but not me shorty" Scott said and I smiled "Hey Scotty" I said, I put my bags up and grabbed my laptop sitting down next To Scott.

"what you finna show me?" he asked "You'll see" I told him plugging my headphones into my laptop and placing it on his ears. Playing an unreleased song "Damn, this shit is actually fire Angel" He told me "I know it is" I said and Ruby looked at me "you wanna hear?" I asked him and he nodded.

I unplugged it playing the song for him. He listened to the music "Why haven't you released it?" Scott asked me "Because, I don't know if I should" I told him and he mugged me "Why?"Scott asked "Because, the lyrics mean sometimes to me. And it short, and I was gonna ask if you wanted to hop on it?" I asked Scott and Ari. "yeah, sure I mean it'd be tight to do a song with you"Ari said.

Soon, Max got on the bus and a Boy with Black hair. It was their Dj, Meth he had done a few sets for me before.

"Oh shitt, Hey angel I didn't know you were touring with us?" Meth said and I smiled "Yeah, neither did I darling"I told meth, I crossed my legs plugging my head phones back in, working on the track.

The boys, were all talking about music or the music for their lineups.

I slid my jacket off of my shoulder, my tattoos on display.

I looked up, Ruby was looking at my tattoos, his eyes stopping at my forearms, He probably didn't realize the huge ass scars on them last night.

He looked away, I looked into his pretty brown green eyes. I loved that about Ari.

I went back to working on my song, "Scott what's ur email?" I asked him and he looked like he was thinking, "It's DjScrim808@gmail.com" Scott told me and I nodded sending the track to his email.

I clicked out of the track, checking my emails, seeing one from my Manager. I looked at Scott, he was too busy talking to Max.

I clicked on the emails reading it.

Nine months, 75k, Aristos, Widowed.

I read it, staring at it before closing my laptop and grabbing my phone out my purse.

Nine months only?



I closed my phone setting it back in my purse, unplugging my headphones from my Laptop and plugging them into my phone. I listened to some of the boys, Germ and Everyone else's music before getting up and sitting next to Aristos. I laid my head on his shoulder, Conversations paused. "you alright ma?" Aristos asked me and I nodded "I'm alright Ari" I said putting my legs up in his lap.

He didn't argue, I listened to some of their music until I fell asleep on Ari.

"how do you all know eachother?" Max asked "We all grew up together in New Orleans, Until she moved away."Ari told max, "And what? We're y'all dating or something " Max asked "No man, we were like 15" Aristos told max.

The rest of the ride to Their next stop was long, or so it felt like to me. I hated sleep, it always let my guard down and left me vulnerable to the darkness of life and to old wounds that start to pick at your soul if not healed.

I woke up when the bus stopped, rubbing my eyes. Aristos stood up taking my hand, we were outside a hotel. I threw my backpack over my shoulder, all of us went into the Hotel. It was pretty calm, not too many people. I liked it that way, I could put on a mask but I hated large groups of people.

Aristos walked over to me with a key card, "Room 142 Shorty" Aristos told me "We bunking?" I asked him "Do you want to?" Aristos responded and I nodded "We can, my  room has two beds" Ari told mr and i smiled "Not like were gonna need it darling." I told him as we walked to his room "Y'all bunking?" Scott asked me "Yea, we are"I told him, Aristos unlocked the Door to the hotel room. I looked around the room, placing my bags down.

Ruby looked at me "I missed you, I ain't good with talking bout my emotions." He said "I know, your good with singing about them tho" I told him looking up at him "So are you" He said looking at me "I missed you too Ruby, im sorry for leaving and not telling you anything. I love you, you were my best friend and I'm sorry but I never wanna hurt you like that aga-" i said being cut off with Aristos kissing me, I hesitated kissing him back, his hand going to my waist pulling me closer. Being interrupted by a knock, Aristos pulled back opening the door

"Hey, Angel your manager called. He said that he got in touch with Pouya and you can do his verse on our song" Scott told me and I nodded "Which song?" I asked him "Running Thru The 7th" Scott told me and I nodded, I knew that song by heart

" I'll do it" I said and he smiled "Thanks" he said leaving and walking away. Aristos closed the door looking at me, I smiled up and him laughing and he just chuckled "I'm gonna shower" I told Aristos and he nodded.

Once I took my shower and washed my hair and my body, I got out putting on a pajama set. It was black, I tied my hair up brushing it out.  I walked out the bathroom and Aristos was Asleep on the bed with the TV on. I smiled look at him before climbing in bed next to him and falling asleep as well.

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