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Summer 2005.

Ruby pov.

Me and Scott were upstairs, we were playing a new video game. We were home alone, my mom had left a few hours ago. It was a few weeks after my 15th birthday.

I heard a knock on the front door, "I'll go get it" I told him getting up walking out my bedroom to the front door opening it "Aristos" I was looking at my best friend and crush for years. "What's wrong?" I asked her "I love you" She said "What? Whats wrong?" I asked her, she had worry in her eyes.

"I have to go, but I love you Aristos, wait for me" She said and I nodded.


She looked up at me standing on her tippy toes.


She held the side of my face kissing me before turing to leave


September 14 2021

I looked up at Scrim "Huh?" I said "You were zoned out dawg, what the hell you thinking about?" He asked. We were backstage, Chetta was opening For us. We were just waiting till it was our turn. "My bad, I was just thinking" I said and he nodded "Clearly" Scrim said. It was our turn to go out on stage next. Me and Scrim walked out on stage. Starting our first Event of tour.

We peferomed for about an hour or two, the show ended really slow it felt like. It was just a hard day for me, I guess.

I walked back stage with Scrim and the rest of The boys we were performing with, we were hanging out a little before leaving to sign T-shirts and shit. I hated that shit, but loved the fans so I guess it was worth it.

Soon Max walked up to us "Aristos there's some chick looking for you" Max told me and I shrugged "She a fan or something?" I asked and he shrugged "She said she knows you personally and it's important you talk" Max told me and I nodded, "Bring her in" I told Max, I saw Scrim mug me "You crazy Cuz" Scott told me "We be alr, Shes probably some fangirl shorty or sum" I told him

Soon, we saw Max come around the corner with a bodyguard behind him. Wasn't one of ours, then we heard the click of heels. "She sounds way more then a fangirl shorty." Scrim said.

Soon, We saw a shorty. She had on a black tight dress, with a cropped black leather jacket unzipped, she had her nails painted black, they were perfect. And im a dude.

She had a few tattoos, one above her eyebrow, and one on the side of her ankle, and a sleeve and a bigger one on her chest, it was something with a pentagram but i couldn't see it. She had sunglasses on her face, she soon put them on the top of her head and Ramirez and Germ's face Lit up.

"holy fucking shit, your that chick that did the song with Pouya?" Germ asked "Yeah I am" She said smiling, she had those pretty little teeth gems.

"well shit, I'm Ramirez" Ramirez said shaking her hand, she shook his hand back "And I'm tryna do a song with you" Ramirez said looking her up and down "And shit maybe more" Ramirez added and she smiled, "Sure baby, but your not my type" She said "And what is?" Ramirez asked, And she turned her head looking me up and down.

I looked back at her looking in her face "Aristos, it's rude to stare." She said and then it clicked. "Holy fucking shit, Angel?" I said hugging her, She hugged me back. I pulled out of the hug, "I told you to wait, You boys got big without me" She said "Wait, so yall know eachother?" Germ asked "Yeah, Aristos and Angel were 'besties' " Scott said and me and Her smiled "Well, Damn You should've bagged that" Ramirez said.

I sighed, I really should've. I loved this girl before her fame and all, now I couldn't because of the fame.

I took her hand "Come on" I said as she walked behind me, leaving her bodyguard and everyone. We went outside to where our cars were parked. "where did you go?" I asked her "I had to leave, it was easier. And my parents were getting divorced. Which you knew, and I went with my mom" she told me "You couldn't have stayed with me?" I asked her, trying to not seem vulnerable. "I couldn't." Angel told me "But now, I can" Angel added "So then stay, stay with me. Come tour with us." I told her and she nodded "I have to get back to my hotel tho love" She told me "I know Shawty, I know. But if your manager lets you and you dont mind." I told her

"Talk to Scott, my answer is yes Ari"She told me, kissing my lips and going back inside. I went inside a few minutes after her. She was talking to Her manager and bodyguard, she might be underground but she's hit main stream a few times.

I watched her on her phone, I looked at her then at Scrim "You won't" he said "is that a bet" I asked and he laughed "Do it Playboy" he said and I walked over to her taking her phone putting my number in her phone and handing her, her phone back "Come find us" I told her and she nodded smiling at me with her dimples.

I walked away past Scrim outside to my car, driving to our hotel. I walked to my hotel room locking the door, laying out on my bed I fell asleep immediately. I couldn't stop thinking about Angel.

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