Chapter 5 - And now I'm pacing back and forth

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Ding dong.

"Ugh, you get it." Trina said, leaving and going upstairs to her room.

Tori grunted as she lifted herself from the floor. She was playing Wii Tennis with her sister, and said sister just knocked her down with her racket. Literally.

Opening the door, she was surprised to find Jade on the other side. Her makeup was smudged, seemingly from crying, and she had a sad frown on her face.

"Jade?" She said, worried and confused.

Jade didn't answer, she just went past her, entering the house without any prompting.

"What's wrong?" Despite the rude intrusion, Tori allowed it, closing the door behind her and following Jade to the couches. Something must be seriously wrong with Jade for her to be in this state. She had her guesses, but she wouldn't assume anything.

Jade looked at her for a few seconds, opening and closing her mouth as if she's trying to figure out what to say. Eventually, she closed her eyes and burst into tears. Tori was by her side in a flash.

"I want Beck back!"

Tori immediately gulped down any and every jealous cell in her body. "But... but you broke up with Beck."

"I know! But I– I did that because I was angry and mad at him!" Jade revealed, sitting down at the couch and grabbing the nearest pillow to hug close to her body. "When I'm angry I do impulsive things that I regret in the end just like how I did with my potato patch pal when I was a kid and I wanted it back after throwing away and my mom gave it away to some orphan kids and I'm scared that the same thing will happen with me and Beck!" She sputtered out quickly and in one breath, gesturing wildly with an arm.

Tori sat down by her side with an even more worried frown, although a part of her felt honored that Jade trusted her enough with this side of her.

"Well... did you try talking to him? Ask him to get back together?" She asked carefully, still not sure what she was supposed to do or say.

"I did, but he rejected me! I don't know what else I can do!" Jade sobbed, looking completely devastated.

Tori looked at her, downcast. In an attempt to comfort her, she reached out and grabbed Jade's hand, who accepted it with little hesitation. Caressing Jade's hand with her thumb, Tori considered her options, staring ahead, away from the sobbing girl by her side.

"Maybe... I could talk to Beck for you? You know, convince him to take you back somehow?"

Jade looked up with a mixed expression of shock and hope. "You'd do that?" She surprised even herself at the soft and broken sound of her voice.

The half-latina turned to her and shrugged, a small, warm smile on her face. "Of course. It's what friends do."

We're not friends. Or, it's what Jade would normally say to that, an automatic response at this point. But she didn't have much energy to indulge in their usual back and forth banter. Instead, she found herself squeezing Tori's hand, a silent way of saying thank you.

Tori smiled softly at this, lifting her other arm in her direction. Jade frowned slightly in confusion.


"Want a hug? You know, to feel better."

"...I don't do hugs." Jade answered stubbornly. Her body said otherwise though, as she immediately leaned against Tori, accepting the offer, and hugged her back.

She'd never admit it, not even to herself, but it's been a long time since she felt so much comfort.

"Talk to him soon." Jade muttered, her voice muffled against Tori's neck.

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