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Minho's shift was now almost over and with every second that was passing Jisung grew more and more nervous.

"okay, we can go now, I'm done" Minho said as he walked over towards them.

Only now that the older wasn't wearing the barista apron anymore Jisung was able to observe his outfit.

Minho was simply wearing a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants but damn he looked fine.

The t-shirt was hugging his muscles perfectly so you could see just how build he was and Jisung really had to hold himself together to keep himself from drooling over the sight.

The three walked out of the coffee shop and started to make their way to town deciding to leave their cars here and make their way by foot.

"I'm sorry Jisung but Jeongin needs me at home to help him with moving his stuff to his new place, I forgot I promised him but I really have to go now." Seungmin said as he got off a call with his younger brother.

"Oh... well if you promised him I guess we have to go" Jisung turned to Minho "I'm sorry Minho, I wish this could've been longer but I have to go too then, we came with one car." he was genuinely a bit disappointed that he couldn't stay with the older any longer.

"I mean Seungmin could take your car and I could drive you home later, if you don't mind." Minho suggested wanting to stay longer with the other as well.

They both wanted to spend more time with the other.

"But it's so far, you really don't have to do this for me" Jisung said.

"It's fine, I actually like long car drives very much, it helps you calm down you know?" The younger hummed as he turned to his best friend again "You can take my car, Minho will drive me home later."

Seungmin nodded, took Jisung's car keys which the latter handed him and drove off with a small 'thanks'.

"You know if you want to you could sleep at mine" the older suggested as they started walking.

"Oh, uh I don't think I'm comfortable with that...yet... I'm sorry" Jisung returned with a nervous chuckle.

"No need to apologise, really. Tell me if you're not comfortable with anything I do or say, okay?" Minho reassured "Even if it's my flirting, that's just how I hide my nervousness the best you know, it's not everyday that I meet someone as gorgeous as you." he explained making Jisung blush hard "But tell me about yourself, I want to get to know you."

Jisung was stunned at how sincere Minho had sounded, like he really wanted to know everything about the boy and so he began to tell him about his life and how he had ended up with his little flower shop in the desert.

"so you're a flower boy, eh?" Minho grinned  as the two sat down on a park bench.

"I guess you could say that. Anyways how about you, how did you end up here, I mean I know your grandparents but what else is there?" Jisung asked curiously.


hello there,
hope ure doing fine!!

✿flower boy✿ | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now