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It had been another few days and Jisung was still thinking about the encounter with Minho the other day.

He wasn't sure if Minho was actually serious when he asked for his number, he assumed the older had just a very flirty personality but still, he had sounded so sincere when he asked.

Jisung really didn't know and it was driving  him insane.

Due to there not being many people in his age here in the village, Jisung had zero experience with stuff like dating.

Sure, he had had crushes in highschool but never really more than that.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to the older but he didn't want to stand there like a fool in case Minho wasn't actually sincere and it was all just a game to him.

"...hellooo, earth to jisung!!" He heard Seungmin call him out of his thoughts "what's going on with you, you've been in your head so much since you had that dinner at your parent's, what's going on?"

"Well... something happened..." Jisung dragged out not knowing how to start explaining what had happened last friday and how he ended up not even going to his parents house.

"Oh.. are your parents okay??" Seungmin sounded worried.

"O-oh no! They're fine, I-I wasn't at their house on Friday.." Jisung grew flustered which showed his best friend that this was most likely about some guy.

"Jisung you son of a bitch! Why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone?? I thought we were best friends!" The younger sulked actually feeling a bit hurt that Jisung didn't tell him about his love life but also knowing that the latter probably had his reasons.

"Well I was actually on my way to my parents, don't worry I would definitely tell you immediately if something happened regarding my love life" He made a small pause but continued as he saw Seungmin's confused gaze.

"I met the guy on the way to my parent's house.. well actually I met him at Paul's coffee shop, he's his grandson. But back then I didn't really think I would see him again, you know?" Seungmin hummed.

"But then on Friday I met him again and he was like really drunk so I brought him to his apartment, right? And when I was just about to leave again he was like 'how about you stay over' and asked if he could have my number..."

"oh my god! Did you give it to him??" Seungmin squealed excitedly.

"N-no, I didn't.." Jisung said, a bit embarrassed.

"What the fuck Jisung, why didn't you give it to him??" Seungmin asked disappointed but the other just shrugged "You have to see him again so you can get his number.. or give him yours." Seungmin stood up from the bench on Jisung's porch "We're going to town tomorrow Jisung!"

With a bit of hesitation, Jisung agreed and the best friends continued to skip from topic to topic with their conversation.


hiii!! the book is going really well actually.
I have written 10 chapters already (including the now published ones) and I already have the story planned out a bit!!

hope you're doing well, how do u like the story so far??

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