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Minho scooted a bit closer as he started to talk "well there's nothing that exciting about my life, actually. We moved here when I was twelve, my mother, Paul and Margret's daughter, had lived here when she was a child so she really wanted to move here which we did then.

In highschool I wasn't really a known person, I mean I did have friends but we all weren't any of the popular kids. I had a rather normal childhood and now I'm in med school. I want to be a vet one day." he finished his speech.

"Oh wow, med school" Jisung was obviously impressed "not to be mean but I wouldn't have thought of you wanting to be a doctor, especially after i found you completely wasted" Jisung laughed now and Minho giggled along.

"Yeah, I guess that wasn't really the best impression" he scratched his head "but I swear I don't get drunk often, I'm very responsible in that field. I just wanted to have fun before I go back to uni."

"Oh, when are you going back?"

"Two weeks but then only one more semester and I'm finished" Minho raised his hands in the air a bit as if he was cheering.

"I always thought it took a lot longer to become a doctor."

"It in fact does take long, but I'm almost thirty now so I'll be a vet soon" Minho returned in a casual tone.

"Wait, you're almost thirty!?" Jisung asked shocked but that was when Minho started to laugh out loud "No I'm not, I was just messing with you. You should've seen your face." he wheezed.

"Oh my god I was so scared for a second, that would mean you're almost ten years older than me!"

"Wait you're only twenty? With all the stuff you already achieved I would've thought you'd be older." The older mustered Jisung curiously.

"Well I moved out immediately after I graduated so it has been a bit, and I'm almost twenty-one so... but now I'm confused, how are you finished already then?"

"It's a bit complicated. There's basically two... well more like three parts. I'm almost finished with the first part which is just undergraduate education and then it's four more years of veterinary school waiting for me before i can go into a clinic where I'll be   trained to be a real vet." Minho explained ending his speech with a smile.

"So you're actually not finished at all." Jisung stated making Minho shudh him jokingly "I'm almost finished for now and that's all I need to care about." he leaned back relaxed.

"That means you are how old though?" Jisung asked.

"twenty-two but I'll be twenty-three in a few months."

"If you're only here for your holidays though, where do you live when you study?" Jisung asked cautiously.

"I study a few hours away from here, so I can unfortunately only be here in my holidays but I'm planning on taking a small break before going to veterinary school."

That was the answer Jisung had feared a bit, he knew it was too early to think about a relationship but if it really came down to something like that, he didn't know how it could work out when Minho was studying so far away. Still he chose not to think about it anymore and kept on chatting with the older.


"I think it's time to go, Jisung, it's 10pm already" Minho stood up reaching out a hand.

The two males had been sitting on the park bench for hours now, talking and listening while the day passed by.

"Yeah, I guess." Jisung sighed taking Minho's hand and letting the latter pull him up.

"This was really nice!" Jisung admitted as the two walked back to the coffee shop where they got into Minho's car.

As they were driving, Minho let the roof of the car down so that the wind was blowing through their hair, messing it up.

Jisung laughed out loud putting his hands up in the air and feeling the wind.

They both laughed as they were listening to
music, singing along to the parts that they knew by heart.

While they were talking in the park, the two realised that they had very similar taste in music so that they now didn't have to argue about who would be playing the music or anything like that.

Minho stole a glance at Jisung who was enjoying this feeling of freedom to the fullest, and was able to loosen up as well.

They hadn't known each other for long but they both already felt so relaxed in the other's presence.


They had arrived at Jisung's house and it was time to say goodbye, something they had both dreaded.

"Goodnight Jisung, sleep well!" Minho said as he hugged the younger loosely, not sure what to do.

"Uh you too Minho. This was really fun, I enjoyed it very much." hesitantly, Jisung placed a small peck on the olders cheek, going inside his house, waving until he had closed the door completely.

He grinned like a complete idiot as he got ready for bed.


didn't proofread this one but wanted to update as fast as possible!


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