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Adrien's POV

Oh boy was the first week at school tiring! It was exhausting! And on top of that, we need to find our interning companies by the end of this month, and that's the only thing that excited me today. I had no classes today up until after noon, so I decided to apply for an interview to this big-shot company in Manhattan, cause it would make my resumé and portfolio a shit tone impressive. I had tried to dress up formal, in black trousers and a white crisp shirt. I still have no clue how to tie a tie and I did not want to do that at 6:30 am in the morning. I grabbed my resumé and my cross belt bag and stuffed it in while leaving. I was living in my dorms cause firstly, it was cheap. And secondly, I did not have a place to live at yet.

The route was 30 minutes by foot and I had to be there by 7:30 am. I had just left when I bumped into someone. Seriously, what's up with people of New York bumping into each other? Well bumping wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that I was showered with coffee! Like I thought Monday's were supposed to be a downfall now Friday's too. I mumbled a few curse words at me for being not careful while continuously hearing someone ramble apologies. Had they been so sorry, they should've seen their path. I looked up, boiling with anger, and my gaze met dark brown orbs. After a few brief moments of having the little eye conversation, I looked at the person as a whole. I realised that she's just a college going kid seeing her hoodie. Great, I convinced myself that its just a kid and nodded at her, before walking away with a tight lipped smile. I had just walked a few steps when I realised I should get a wet towel from the cafe, so I rushed right back to the front of that coffee shop. I saw the girl get in a car and drive away, wow I bumped into a rich kid. Brushing it off I saw the place where we collided, flowers, White Gardenias and Red Roses. She forgot them. I bent down picking them up, a small bouquet, I thought bouquets were supposed to be huge and grand. Well I guess I'm supposed to carry them now, I shoved them in my bag. I used the shops lavatory and walked right out with a white shirt with a huge light brown stain. I looked at my watch and realised that I'm late, I mentally cursed myself and started jogging. Though I was just 10 minutes away, I really wanted to get in this company. 

I reached the building on dot 7:30 am. I rushed inside to the reception. A brunette girl with glasses perched on her nose, typing away on her computer like there's no tomorrow. I cleared my throat to catch her attention, when that didn't work I just blurted,

"Hi I'm Adrien Bernard Moreau, I'm here for the PA internship."

She looked up at me with a weird expression and said, 

"Down the corridor, take the elevator and on 10th floor you'll meet Suzie. She'll guide you."

I mumbled a quick thank you and rushed to the elevator. Thats when I saw the mess I had been looking like, a big coffee stain on the front of my shirt, sweat droplets all over my forehead and disheveled dirty blonde hair. I tried to do maximum damage control and well I didn't quite do the best, but it was ok, I looked presentable. I reached the floor and approached the first person I saw and asked them about Suzie. They told me walk down to the end of the corridor until I see a huge brown gate. I followed their instruction and saw a girl pacing outside the large door with arms crossed in front of her chest. Her eyes landed on me and she bombarded me with questions.

"You're Adrien right? Where were you? You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. And what's up with your shirt? For gods sake, this is your interview and you show up like this? Anyways, now when you walk in you will see Mr Woods, he will personally interview you. Don't mess this up and all the best."

She said the last part patting my shoulders and pushing me inside without warning. I saw an attractive looking man probably in his early forties. On seeing the sudden intrusion, his eyes travelled from his laptop screen to me. He smiled and gestured at me to sit on the idle chair in from of his desk. I walked and sat down. 

"Good Morning Mr Woods, I'm Adrien Bernard Moreau. I apologise for being late."

"Good Morning Adrien. It's completely fine. I can see the little disaster that made you late." He says gesturing to my shirt. I just smile sheepishly at his comment. After a few brief seconds, I hand him my resumé. He accepts it with a smile. I see the name plate on his desk, it read Mr Vincent Willian Woods, a charming name! At first he seemed shocked and then he said,

"A recommendation from 'Paris School of Business'? You must be really qualified for such a high merit recommendation. If you don't mind, can I see your bachelors degree?"

I fetch it from my bag, accidents pulling on the rose flowers and showering petals on my lap. I quickly hand it to him and shove the petals back in,  oh mon Dieu [oh my God] why did I have to pick them up? He again seems a little shocked seeing it. 

"A valedictorian of Bachelors of Business Management? You just keep impressing me Adrien."

I rub the back of my neck and grin.

"Well, I have seen how qualified you are. But you have zero experience, why should I hire you as a PA and that too for internship? Plus, you're still in university doing your post-grad, won't it be a hard job for you?"

"Mr Woods, I agree that I have zero experience and whatever you're saying is correct. But I have calculated all the pros and cons of this job. Working closely with the CEO will give me more experience and insight of the business industry than woking with a employee will. As far as my university is considered, I only have few classes a day so I can manage very well by just seeing their recordings if I miss the lectures."

"Well that eases my tension. Now back to the main point, why should I hire you? There are people out there who want this interning job even with years of experience. What makes you special?"

"Both me and those other people are eyeing this job to learn. I won't say that I am better or smarter than those people, but I definitely am more hard working. Sir, I come from a middle class family and going to university on scholarship was what made me realise that I am no less deserving that other people. I am equally smart and capable as them. What makes me different is that I will work hard no matter what, because I have a life to create. My zeal and passion for working differentiates me from the common crowd. The rest is obviously upto you sir."

I could see an impressed look on his face and he curtly nods.

"Well then, don't disappoint me Mr Adrien Bernard Moreau."

I don't know what I was more shocked with, him accepting me as a PA intern who can be employed permanently if exceptional or him pronouncing my name, my entire name, correctly? But whatever it was I stood up and started thanking him. Thats when he chuckled and gestured at me to sit down.

"Well lets say some rules. A PA is a person whose really close to me. You will spend your days in your cabin outside my room. I will personally guide you and we will share more of a mentor-mentee relationship that boss-employee, cause after all you're here to learn. Now I want you to come for brunch at my place tomorrow, for you and I, will be associated really close in the time you work here, so being friends doesn't hurt right?"

He says this putting his hand forward for a handshake. I firmly shake his hand and agree. We speak a little more about the dynamics of the job and we exchange our numbers and he immediately send me his address. He also explains about the 3 year contract I need to sign with company. I thank him once more before leaving the office. I keep smiling to myself that even after looking my worst, I grasped the best offer in town. Maybe that man is actually the first kind person I meet in NYC.

Smiling I head out of the building, "Woods Corp.", I see the large sign board and realise im working in the biggest company in NY, this just makes me widen my smile. I keep smiling during the entire day and people just look at me like I'm crazy. Little do they know...



Hey readers!!

I hope that you all are doing well. Your opinions are appreciated in the comment box down below. Do share with your friends and family, who would like it. 

Oh and the quote attached above does symbolise Mr Vincent Willian Woods thinking. He's building people who will build his business.

Till next time~

A Forbidden LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora