Chapter I

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Izuku had all for one from his father which no one knew. Just like no one knew about his obsession with Katsuki.
One day Izuku was planning to attack U.A but he needed help so he wrote to Katsuki who was sitting under a tree and asked him to help him with one thing without saying anything further about it. Katsuki was fooled and downloaded the app that Izuku told him to install. Izuku then had Katsuki's exact location and could give him commands in the app. Of course, Katsuki didn't know what was going on, but he had his suspicions... he then entered the U.A. dormitory and he began to quickly get lost in it due to the commands sent by the app. When the bell rang for classes, he decided to go up the stairs and ignore it, which was a bad decision because his secret was revealed. The stuffed animal fell out of his backpack through a hole that wasn't there before, which surprised him and he quickly hid it in his sweatshirt. Izuku was watching him the whole time and giggled quietly at how sweet Katsuki was, but not for long because Todoroki and Mina came up to Katsuki.

Todoroki: "katsuki. "Classes with Sensei have started," he said, coldly as always

Mina: "You're never late for classes!" she hugs Bakugo tighyly

Katsuki: "Tsk! What the fuck do you care?!" He shouted at them, hiding the fact that he had feelings for Todoroki.

Mina: "do you want to go for a walk bakubabe? Pliss!! Agree!"

Katsuki: "Okay! All right! But get off me pinky." He growls at her

Todoroki at this time smiles a little and is surprised, he felt emotions.

Izuku was boiling with hate and evil towards Todoroki, he saw him smiling at Katsuki and he was jealous! He wanted to kill him!
But he had to stick to his plan and just watched from a distance as Katsuki followed them outside. He smiled evilly and sent Katsuki an order through the application and watched as Katsuki took out his phone and read the order, getting angry.
{What the fuck?! How does this fucking nerd know where I am?} he starts looking around but doesn't see anything and todoroki notices a sudden change in katsuki's behavior so he takes his phone and reads the message from the app „

izuku can't stand it anymore and creates a black fog around them and a barrier where their Quirks will not work, then he breaks the windows from the upper floor and begins to hypnotize the students, teachers and pro heroes who were there
While mina panicked and tried to use her power and todoroki hugged katsuki from behind to keep him safe.
After his work, Izuku went down to the bottom of the building where Katsuki was with his 'friends' and knocked on the barrier, slowly clearing the fog.

Izuku: "kacchan~! Come here." He said with a smile then noticed Katsuki hugging Todoroki and Todoroki taking pictures with him together as a memory for the future.
Izuku threw Todoroki's phone through the barrier using telekinesis and broke it into small pieces of metal.
"Nobody...!" he said sadly before the scream echoed across the barrier "No one can have him but me!!" He shouted with jealousy for Katsuki before breaking through the barrier and snatching Katsuki away from Todoroki's hands.

Mina: "bakubabe!" She tries to use her power again and finally succeeds, then she sends her corrosive acid towards Izuku, but Katsuki gets hit in the leg.
Katsuki screams in pain and Izuku puts katsukis hands together with handcuffs that block his quirk and teleports him to an abandoned factory in the field.

Izuku: "until next time todoroki-kun!" He smiles and teleports to Katsuki and immediately changes character "hm~ Who do we have here~? The great hero kacchan!" He strokes his hair

Katsuki: "fuck off deku! What happend to you?! Where am I-" feels a gun to my head and a hand on my mouth.

Izuku: "kacchan.~ kacchan~ you need to be taught some manners." He stops smiling and pushes him to the floor, "take him to the room. Preferably torture" he smirks and lets his gang take him away {i love how adorable he is~! My kacchan~} follows them.

Katsuki: "let me out! For fuck's sake!!" He growls at them and squirms around, trying to break free from their grip

Izuku laughs at the sight and then sees the room, "take him there." He speaks dryly and watches as Katsuki slowly loses his strength {someone is probably about to fall asleep.} He signals them to let him go and watches as they obey the command "lets go Kacchan, you can't hide anything from me" Izuku picks him up slowly and gently and takes him to a room other than he said before he puts him on a comfortable bed "it's better now, isn't it Kacchan?" He smiles at him

Katsuki: "fuck you deku." He growls at him
and then looks up at him

Izuku: "it's not nice to say that. Katsuki." he looks him straight in the eyes and sees his fear and then smiles, "calm down, kacchan. I will make you obedient soon."

Katsuki gulps and tries to back away from Izuku but Izuku holds him tightly
Izuku: "calm down kacchan.. I wouldn't hurt you"
He slowly moves his hand down to Bakugo's waist.
"Although. You need to rest after a long day."

Katsuki nods and slowly starts cuddling up to izuku and wraps his arms around his neck, "tsk. You're lucky, nerd," he says to him and falls asleep on him. And Izuku? What to say... he didn't know how it happened, he was lost in Katsuki's Ruby eyes. Izuku decided to fall asleep next to his beloved... Kacchan.


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