Can't Get Enough

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"Hayley!" I run down the hall screaming her name.
"Kellin!" She screams back, matching my energy.
"I swear to god I am tweaking!! I'm dying bitch, oh my lord."
"What happened?" She asks eagerly, grabbing my hands.
"Mr. Fuentes literally wants me!!" I say probably louder than I should have.
"Our freshman English teacher?" she asks, confused.
"What?! Did he tell you that!?"
"Well no but like. He wants me. Trust."
"Oooo okay! Get yours little Kells."
"Have you seen Amy and Justin? I want to tell them too!"
"They're waiting for us in the senior courtyard."
The two of us walk to the courtyard and I tell her the details of our interaction. Once we get to the courtyard I tell the same story to Justin and Amy.
"So what's the name of his band?" Amy asks.
I freeze. "Fuck me!" I yell. "I forgot to ask!"
"Kells!" Justin whines, "how could you forget something so important. What's your shower soundtrack supposed to be now?" he pouts.
"I don't knooooow," I whine with my head face down on the table."
"It's okay baby." Amy rubs my back.
"Here, I'll just look for it." Justin says pulling out his phone.
"Thank you," I say to him with big puppy eyes.
"For you the world, little gay boy." He says petting my head.
"Okay, he's credited on this song here, its called, Hills Like White Elephants? And the band is called Isles & Glaciers. Looks like it's their only song right now.
"Can you text that to me?" I ask him.
"Guys, I think I'm going to cut my hair." Hayley announces randomly.
"Can you do that? Won't your dad like, kill you?"
"I mean maybe yeah, but I turn eighteen in like a month so what's he gonna do? Spank me?"
"I can." Justin smirks.
"Ew." She shutters dramatically. "Anyway, I'm just tired of this long ass hair. It's alwaays getting in my way, or if I put it up, it's fucking heavy. I want something cooler, you know?"
"I can cut it for you!" Justin offers once again with a pair of scissors in his hand.
"Where the fuck do you keep getting scissors form oh my lord!" I say snatching them away from him.
"Yeah okay." Hayley shrugs.
"What?!" Amy and I say together.
"What's the worst that could happen? If he fucks it up I'll just go bald."
"Bald?!" I say.
"Okay fine, but I am not going to lie to you and call you beautiful. You're for real gonna look like shit." I say.
"Yeah, well at least I won't look like you!" she smiles.

We spend the rest of our lunch hour bantering and ignore basically everything from our last five classes in favor of texting each other. When I get home I work on a visual journal for a while before making dinner for my mom and I. She's getting home late tonight so once I finish cooking I get in my bed and eat. I watch some Breaking Bad for a while before I decide my spaghetti needs far more cheese than it has currently. I go to the kitchen to get some more and just decide to get the whole bag. As I sit back in my bed I make a rookie mistake. I sit right next to my overflowing bowl and it spills all over me and my blanket. God fucking dammit. For now I just take off my shorts and throw the blanket on the floor next to my bed so I can finish my dinner in peace.

Once I'm done, I throw the blanket in the washer and get ready to shower.
I strip the way I usually do, except this time I can't help but imagine Mr. Fuentes doing it for me. Him holding me by my hips, looking down at me and slipping my pants and boxers off in one fluid motion before gripping me firmly in his hand and stroking. I imagine him grabbing my ass and— well fuck. I'm hard as shit now.
I stop my daydream, plug in my phone to the speaker I have in the bathroom, and get in the shower. As I'm shampooing my hair, I might as well wash everything while I'm in here, I remember, that stupid shit Justin said earlier about a shower soundtrack. I mean he made it sound creepy but, it's just listening in the background while wash no biggie.
I dry my hands and find his song on some random ass, janky website for the band. Mr. Fuentes is front and center in the banner picture. And he has a nose ring. Oh my god he has a nose ring. Holy shit that's hot. Oh my god. If the cold water softened me, this got me hard at a brick once again.
I scroll down the page and finally, the play button. My finger hovers over the button as I prepare myself to listen. I'll never be able to experience this for the first time again. I'll hear Mr. Fuentes being raw and vulnerable and ughhh. I want him so bad.
I press play. It immediately starts strong, but it doesn't sound like Mr. Fuentes. I definitely wouldn't have imagined his singing voice to sound like that but goddamn this song is good. I continue minding my business and washing myself until,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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