Chapter Thirteen

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(Yoongi's POV)
I slammed the phone down on the ground in frustration as I still couldn't track her down. The phone had also been a burner, or a clone of a burner. He more than likely already destroyed it, so no way to track it.

He had already had her for quite a few hours, and I couldn't understand why he had taken her. He seemed to treat her like some toy, but he knew about us. So who the fuck was he?

I focused on taking down more of the fake trackers as the others were out on the streets, trying to find her. This guy's hacker had stepped up his game, and was working double time, or he had multiple of them.

"Yoongi, what did she say?" Jimin called through the comms and I yelled out a swear word as another little fake tracker popped up on the map as I had just took down two.

"She said she was okay, but I doubt she will be for much longer. This guy seems like a creep and she is just a toy to him. You guys can feel the panic through the bond." I told them as I worked to shut down some more of the trackers as quick as I could, but it was proving to be difficult.

"What did the guy say? Did he say anything of importance?" Namjoon asked and I immediately shook my head although he couldn't see me.

"He didn't say anything important, but even though she is a toy to him he won't hesistate to hurt her. She killed one of his goons to get the phone, and called me. She was threatening him, and he threatened to break her leg." I told them before sighing and carrying on. "Whoever it is, knows who we are, but they don't seem to care too much about us. They seem to be targeting her, not us. Which doesn't make sense." I yelled out in frustration as another fake tracker blip showed up on the map.

"The only criminal organization she has a connection to that we know of is us. And she is only our soulmate so our business has nothing to do with her." Taehyung said in a thoughtful tone as I kept typing away, trying to get all of these blips to go away still.

"Have any of us reached out to Damien? He may know something or he can help us find her." Jungkook said in a not so very happy tone as I heard someone start dialing a number in the background.

"Calling him now." Hoseok said before the microphone on his side of the comms went silent, he probably muted himself while he talked to Damien.

"So what do we do now?" Jimin asked in a worried tone, as I could feel Luna's panic start to calm down a bit. The tightness in my chest that I had felt decreased, she was calming down from a panic attack.

"We wait until Yoongi shuts down all the fake blips or we work on the ones we have, meaning splitting up." Namjoon said in a thoughtful tone, I could tell he was wondering what he should do.

"Luna did tell me she was in a cell so maybe that will narrow down some of the blips for us. Not everyone has cells in their basement and if it was something new they put it, they would have to get a permit to build it. It sounded like a heavy metal door when it slammed on the phone." I told them as I stopped working on shutting down the blips and started cross referencing them with the cell discription that Luna had given me.

There was a few on the list as my system ran through the information I fed it. "Okay this knocks off a few blips. We have about four or five addresses that we need to search." I told them after thirty minutes as I pulled up the addresses.

Hoseok's comm microphone got turned back on. "So Damien knows nothing about someone kidnapping her, but he did have some bad information for us. We're not done with the orgnization, far from it." Hoseok said in an angry tone as I heard honking from cars in the background.

Just as I was about to say something, I felt something or more we all felt something through the soulmate. That same exact emotionless state from her side of the bond that we had felt that one time.

"No..." I trailed off as I watched her heart rate stay normal though. What the hell was going on there?

"I sent you guys the five addresses, I'm on my way out now. None of us go in alone." I told them as I got up and grabbed one of my guns before slipping it in the holster I had strapped to my leg.

I rushed downstairs watching the information on her heart rate on my phone. I had to hope we weren't too late when we got there.

As I walked outside of the house I was a bit surprised to see Damien standing on the steps, looking like he was about to knock on the door.

"I came to help." He told me as he stood in my way to my car.

I immediately tossed him the keys to my car. "You drive, thanks to you we have even numbers. Let's go, and on the way you can fill me in on what you told Hoseok." I told him as we rushed to my car, before we pulled out into the night.

He followed the blip on our GPS as I just thought about how much of this day had been thrown away on the fact of trying to out due their hacker. If Luna hadn't gotten a hold of me, we wouldn't even have this lead and hopefully by the end of tonight she would be safe with us again.

The Girl With Seven Fiances Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora