Chapter Seven

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After calling the office late yesterday afternoon and them having an opening this morning I had gotten the results of my gene testing. To say the results took away any of my worry was beyond the truth.

For starters I carried the twin gene, meaning I was more likely to have twins when my soulmates and I started trying to have kids. The idea of having twins was scary enough as it is. There also hadn't been any abnormalities with my genes or anything, nothing to explain why I was the way that I was thanks to my parents.

I sighed as I pulled up to Risa and my brother's place. They were currently renting an apartment above a bakery. It was a cute little place I had to say.

I quickly took out my phone and sent her a quick text before picking up my tea out of the console and taking a sip. I already knew before I had the results that today would be a very long day.

Within about thirty minutes I would be looking at wedding dresses, and possibly picking out the one for my wedding day. Although the business lady said that it was very uncommon for a bride to pick a dress the first time they went looking, I doubted it would take me long.

Just as I had set my tea back down in the console there was a knock on my passenger door and I looked over to see Risa before unlocking the door and letting her in.

I watched as she climbed in, having a big smile on her face as per usual. "My best friend is getting married, how exciting is that?" She asked me as she buckled her seat belt.

"I don't know, as I'm the one that's getting married I wouldn't know. As I just see it as decisions I have to make and then hope that I don't mess anything up on the day of my wedding." I told her as I put the car in drive once again and started the drive to the shop.

"Lighten up Luna, you're picking your wedding dress today. Aren't you excited?" She asked me and I nodded softly.

"I am excited, but I'm also scared cause of some test results I got this morning." I told her as I let out another sigh and paid attention to the road.

I could feel the excitement just continue to grow from her side of the car. "Please tell me that you're pregnant. I think that would be the cutest thing ever." She told me and my foot immediately slipped on the break at her words. The car jerking us both back in our seats from the force.

We came to a stop in the middle of a road as I looked over at her. "I'm not pregnant, just was some results that make me kind of not want to get pregnant now." I told her as I put my foot back on the gas so we wouldn't be late.

"Wait so are you guys trying or no? And what were the results?" She asked me as I focused on the road ahead of us.

"No we aren't trying although I'm sure a few of my soulmates would love it if we were, especially Jungkook. And the results were that I have the twin carrying gene, meaning there is more of a chance of having twins then a normal person has. Especially if one of my soulmates has the gene, then there is like a hundred percent chance of having twins." I told her as I let out a exasperated sigh as I told her what was worrying me.

I could see the bridal shop we were going to soon after as I pulled into the parking garage near it and soon parked my car.

"So there's a better chance of having twins, that isn't a bad thing though. Yes it's more work than one would be, but you have seven soulmates. There's nothing to worry about." She told me as I took off my seatbelt. "What did they say when you told them?" She asked me and I just shook my head softly.

"I haven't told them yet." I told her before climbing out of my car and she quickly hurried to follow me as I did.

"What do you mean you haven't told them yet? Why not?" She asked me and I sighed softly before locking the door to the my car.

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