Chapter Ten

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I woke up the next morning, and looked over to see Hoseok sleeping peacefully in the hotel bed beside me. I got up carefully, slipping his arm from around my waist as I headed into the adjoined bathroom.

As I looked myself over in the mirror I could see countless hickeys around my neck, and chest. My body was also sore as well from the events of the previous night, but I would never regret the events that took place last night.

I turned around after a few minutes, giving up on trying to comb my hair with my fingers and saw the shower. The warm water would probably help with my soreness, and at that immediate thought I started up the shower.

It didn't take long for the water to warm and I hopped inside quickly afterward, letting the warm water run down my body and ease the soreness of it. As the soreness passed I began washing my body with the complimentary soap that was in the shower before hopping back out and grabbing a towel to dry myself off with.

As I wrapped the towel around myself and walked back out into the bedroom I could see Hoseok was still sleeping. I smiled softly at how peaceful he looked before turning to try and find my clothes from the night before.

I had no problem finding my shorts, they were still in good condition but the same thing couldn't be said about my shirt. Hoseok had ripped it, almost straight down the front of it. I shook my head as I grabbed his dress shirt and threw it on before buttoning it up.

I climbed back into bed after drying off completely and throwing away my destroyed shirt. Hoseok immediately turned towards me, before wrapping me tightly in his arms and causing me to smile. I was always happy when I was with them.

I slipped down more in the bed and rested my head on his arm before letting sleep take over me once again.

After a few hours of sleeping some more I woke up to find Hoseok no longer in the bed. I yawned as I sat up and stretched a bit. I looked down to see I was still in his shirt, but his dress pants that I had put on one of the chairs were gone as well.

Maybe he had gone down to get us breakfast? Did this hotel even serve breakfast? I didn't even know. I looked around for my phone to call him, only to not find it. Had I even brought it up?

I tried recalling the events of last night and I didn't remember it being in my pocket when we had come up here last night. I sighed softly as I sat back down on the bed, and waited for him to come back.

After a bit of me just sitting there I had slipped on most of my clothes from last night, minus the shirt of course since it was torn.

I heard the room door open as my back was facing towards it, as I was looking out the window towards the city. The beautiful city of Seoul with it's skyscrapers.

"Took you long enough. Did you get breakfast or something?" I asked and it was only then that I realized that whoever was in the room with me, I wasn't connected to through the soul bond. If it were Hoseok I would legit feel the fact that he was nearby, but I felt nothing.

The cold panic set in to my veins as I looked down and saw that I was still wearing my engagement ring. My soulmates would find me if they even noticed that I was missing, I still didn't even know where Hoseok was.

I turned around to face whoever was in the room to see multiple masked assailants. The fear that had froze my veins before turned into anger, as my fight or flight response kicked in. I just hoped that defending myself didn't go against the promise I had made to my fiances.

I got ready for the fight, waiting for them to attack first but all they did was stare at me. Confusion clouded my mind as to why they weren't attacking and as my mind was overthinking I didn't see one of the side guys grab me and then I felt a sting on my arm and everything went black.

I came to I don't know how much later, my head fuzzy and the walls were spinning. My head hurt a shit ton as I closed my eyes to try to stop the pain. I groaned a bit as I tried to move only to feel my arms stuck in place due to something around my wrists.

I looked up again and could see there were chains wrapped around my wrists, keeping me in place. They were wrapped too tightly around, and as I looked up I could see that my ring was still on my finger. My fiances would find me and rescue me, but where the hell was Hoseok?

As another wave of a headache set in I closed my eyes once again, letting exhaustion take over my body again. Whatever they had knocked me out with was still in my system.

I woke up again after I don't know how long. My head wasn't as fuzzy this time and the walls were staying where they were supposed to.

I took this chance to look around to see tables full of torture devices that reminded me of the type I had seen in the basement of the mansion so long ago. Whoever had taken me meant business, or they just wanted to scare me.

I could also see that there was a door on the other side of the room, in front of me but it was closed. It was a heavy metal door with some type of barred window in the middle. Again I'm thinking that whoever did this meant business, but again they also might just be trying to scare me or my fiances so I never let my fear take over me.

There was nothing else in the room, not even a window. There was a light though, which was very dim.

I don't know how long I stayed in this room before anyone came around, but it felt like forever. Finally someone opened the door, leaving it open as they stepped inside the room.

"Ah, the gangster's princess is finally awake. So glad you could join us." The man said in a dark tone as he came closer to where I was standing.

I immediately chose to play dumb, hopefully I was still as good of an actor as I used to be. "I'm sorry, I don't exactly understand what you said. Gangster's princess? I don't know any gangster's, so this must be a mistake." I said pulling at the restraints in a panic like anyone else in my predicament would.

"Try again, we saw you with Jung Hoseok last night and if you want to keep your pretty face, I'd get talking. I'm not a man of patience." He told me as I watched him crack his knuckles as I swallowed in fear.

They knew who Hoseok was, I could play this off couldn't I? I could lie, and act until my fiances showed up or I could get free.

"Listen okay, I swear I didn't know who that man was okay? I had just met him, thought he was pretty hot so I seduced him okay? That's why I was in his hotel room this morning." I told him in as angry of a tone as I could manage as I kept trying to pull at my restraints.

"There you go again with the lies. Tsk tsk tsk....didn't your parents ever tell you that lying was bad?" He asked me and I had to bite my tongue at my immediate retort, my parents would always be a hard subject with me. "What? Run out of lies to spin so soon?" He asked me and I couldn't help myself this time.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to underestimate a woman?" I asked him and before I knew it my body was moving on it's own. My legs swung up, and I was lucky enough he was in reach. My legs caught on his shoulders bringing him close as I gripped the chains in my hands. I closed my legs around his head and twisted my body before hearing a loud crack before he fell to the floor with a thud.

I looked back up at the restraints on my hands and the now open door. I just hoped my fiances hurried up and found me, and again where was Hoseok? Was he safe? Where had he gone to when I woke up?

Hey guys, hope you all enjoyed these last five chapters. I'm sorry it took so long for me to write them for you all, I've been dealing with a lot in my personal life. Hopefully everything that I've been dealing with will settle down soon so I can focus some more on this story. I also hope you all have been well.

I will see you all in the next five parts, but again I hope you all are enjoying this story as much as I have.

I purple you all!! <3 <3


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