Chapter 54 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 3

Start from the beginning

Just then, Mags aimed his energy pistol at Nightmare Luna and shot fire, which made the others watch but saw how Cyclonis reacted quick to destroy Mags shot. That's when Aerrow put the pieces together, he had realized where the Crystal was hiding.

Aerrow: That Nightmare Luna has it, it's no wonder why she was more difficult to snap out of, hers was different then ours

Just then, Luna got a hold of her Nightmare self and flung her with powerful strength towards the center between Cyclonis and the Storm Hawks that it almost blew them away while Dark Ace shielded her from the rubble, when Nightmare Luna struggled to get up. Aerrow took a deep breath as Luna flew next to him and landed. He handed her one of his energy blade as they rushed towards Nightmare Luna and stabbed her as it gasped. The Nightmare Luna slowly disintegrated and looked at Dark Ace as it tried to reach out for him, but faded away while the crystal fell to the ground as Luna grabbed her axe guitar and smashed it while the crystal let our a sharp scream that made the other cover their ears. Meanwhile in the real world, Cyclonis and Luna kept rolling around while trying to pull each others hairs when suddenly they heard a crack, they both looked at the crystal and saw cracks appearing which caused Cyclonis to panic and push Luna off of her as she ran towards it.

Cyclonis: No... No no no... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

The Pesadilla crystal shattered when a strong force pushed Cyclonis away, knocking her over her desk and into the ground. The others got back their composures, as Piper and Capricorn gathered the remaining pieces and Aries helped Luna up.

Aries: Time to go!!!

Aries lifted Luna up and threw her over his shoulders while Piper and Capricorn followed, after Cyclonis got back up she was fuming with rage and let out a scream that almost shook the palace as the others escaped and arrived back at the Condor. Back in the Nightmare, Cyclonis and the Dark Ace began to fade away as the scenery changed to a grassy scenery filled with fields of flowers, Aerrow opened his eyes and saw that his friends weren't around and panicked but then saw them sitting on top of a hill, smiling and laughing along with the Zodiacs, Starling, Harrier, Suzy Lu, and practically every sky knight he could think of that were his friends, including Luna's family and the Zodiac family too. Aerrow started waking up to the hill when his squadron greeted him, and ran up to hug him while he hugged them back as Celenia walked up to him.

Celenia: Congratulations, you destroyed the nightmare world
Aerrow: Yeah, but... How am I gonna wake up?
Celenia: Leave that to me... But before I do... There is someone who wants to see you
Aerrow: Who?
Celenia: Someone who raised you well, and I'm sure she's wanting to see you in the dreamscape. Remember, every dream has it's happy endings

[Footsteps... Footsteps]

???: Aerrow?

Aerrow's heart skipped a beat, when his breath hitched. He was nervous to look back but build up the courage to turn around, as his eyes widen of the sight of the person with long light-brown hair and emerald eyes, as she stood there dressed casually in what Aerrow remembered. She and Aerrow made eye contact, as tears build up in his eyes at the sight of his mother right across from him, he didn't know what to say or what to do but she beat him to it and spoke in a kind and soft manner voice.

Nora:... Son... [open her arms] [smiles] I miss you

Aerrow didn't wait any long as he ran up to her and hugged her tightly while she hugs him back, one hand on his head while the other on his back as Aerrow cried and let out his tears and sobs.

Aerrow: Mom [sobs] [sobs] I miss you... I miss you so much [sobs] [sobs]
Nora: Aerrow, I'm so proud of you... You became the sky knight that I wanted you to become, you continued your father's legacy... I'm so happy that you grew up to be a true hero
Aerrow: Mom... I... I will continue the legacy, for you and dad
Nora: And you will, remember. The sky is never the limit
Aerrow: [smiles] [wipe his tears] Yeah... I'll always remember that

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