"Silence, warriors!" LeatherStar yowled. "It doesn't matter." He then looked down at Siren. "Young one, would you like to keep your name, or would you like to have a more clan-like name?"

"I want a cool name, just like Momma and the rest of the cats here!" Siren replied without hesitation. "These names are funny, but having a strange name will make me feel more like a wild cat!"

LeatherStar looked confused and annoyed, but nodded. "Then, by the powers of StarClan your new name will be SirenCrash. StarClan honors your bravery to leave your home for this clan."

The clan cheered, but SheepFur wondered what a 'siren' was.

"Sick!!" SirenCrash spun around and dashed over to RyeBerry. "Momma! I'm just like you now!"

"QUIT CALLING ME 'MOMMA!' YOU'RE NOT A KIT!" RyeBerry screeched and pawed her back. The whole clan was stunned as the turned their heads to the she-cat, and RyeBerry looked around anxiously.

SheepFur, startled by her mother's screaming, decided to step closer to both of the cats. RyeBerry looked at her awkwardly. "SheepFur, let's go somewhere and chat. SirenCrash, go do something useful."

"On it!" SirenCrash flicked her tail up and ran off somewhere.

RyeBerry leaded SheepFur to the very corner of the camp. SheepFur was nervous as always.
"You're not gonna like this, but I left most of my kits because I never wanted any. I even left my twoleg place to escape the responsibility to raise them. Well, I never like being a kittypet."

"Oh." SheepFur flattened her ears. So she's unwanted. RyeBerry was abit too honest. She has so many questions, but didn't want to make her mother angry. She still loves her.

"Have you met your siblings when you ran away to the twoleg place to hide from dogs?" RyeBerry asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

SheepFur nodded nervously. She will never admit that she followed her father to the twoleg place.

"Alright.." RyeBerry stood up and walked off, leaving SheepPaw, still confused. RyeBerry then stopped and gave SheepFur a shocked glance, and she looked like she was about to say something, but she just walked away, freaking SheepFur out. My mother is weird.

SheepFur gazed at the distance. Atleast She now had a sibling she could spend time with. She really needed that.

SheepFur's thoughts were interrupted by her belly. She hasn't eaten yet and she felt like her stomach was starting to digest itself.

As SheepFur was making her way to the prey pile FeatherHeart was eating a large hare, SheepFur's all time favourite prey. SheepFur is unsure if she really deserves to eat, but she searched through the prey pile and was going to eat a bird, but at the corner of her eye she saw some brown fur.
"Do you want it? This rabbit could feed twenty cats!"

That's a hare. SheepFur wanted to correct her, but she was delighted to eat the hare. Her mood suddenly rose as she chewed into it. The hare was seriously massive. Who is the cat that cought it?

"It's nice that your brother joined this clan isn't it?" FeatherHeart meowed while licking her lips. "After BurrPaw left the clan you were probably very lonely, is that right?"

"Yeah." SheepFur muttered. Why can't the clan just forget about it? Is it such a huge event?

FeatherHeart nodded. "That SirenCrash looks strong too. He's very well built. SheepFur, do you know what a siren is?"

"No idea." SheepFur replied while thinking who should she give the rest of the hare to if she were to not finish it.

"Whatever it means, it sounds nice. I just hope it is not a bad word." FeatherHeart commented.

When SheepFur became stuffed, she wanted to give the remains of the hare to one of her clan-mates. She gazed around, most of the cats in the clan already looked fed. SheepFur spotted FerretBite and HoneyMoon chatting with each other. She could offer them the hare. She walked up to them and straight up dropped the dismembered hare infront of the cats.

"Want it?" SheepFur meowed. FerretBite looked at the prey weirdly. HoneyMoon on the other hand, looked exited and dug into the meal. "Thanks, SheepFur!"

"Yeah! That rabbit sure could feed a group of cats!" FerretBite added and crouched down thowards the hare, biting into it.

SheepFur exhaled and walked away. That was pretty awkward, but she now feels better about herself.

What should I do now... SheepFur thought while sitting down in the middle of camp.
SheepFur watched SirenCrash come back to camp with ThymeStripe. The tabby instructed the other tom to put the mouse he was holding to the fresh-kill pile.

SirenCrash gazed around excitedly and ran over to SheepFur, pinning her down playfully. "That ThymeStripe says I'm really good!"

"Wow." SheepFur didn't find it fair. She had been training for half a year and was never told that, and probably was made into a warrior out of pity. "How is BurrPa- Burr doing?"

"Oh, she's a mother now! Seven little babies!" SirenCrash meowed happily, letting go off his sister and sitting down infront of her.

SheepFur's tail pricked up with alarm. "What!? Since when!?" SheepFur questioned. Isn't she too young to be a mother? She's twelve moons old! And seven kits!?

"She gave birth a few days ago." The tom went on. "Burr's mate is very nice, but dad doesn't like him. I don't know why."

"Maybe because Burr is very young!?" SheepFur stood up, her fur bristling. Why is she so triggered? She should be delighted to be an aunt.

SirenCrash shrugged. "I don't know! Why do you sound so bothered by it?"

SheepFur couldn't understand SirenCrash's naiveness. "Because it's strange! That means she got pregnant when she wasn't even an adult!"
"So?" SirenCrash croaked. "It's her choice to have kittens."

SheepFur sat down in disbelief. "No-... Ugh."

"I'll tell mom about the news! She should exited to find out she's a grandma, and you should be glad to be an aunt." SirenCrash sounded less joyful when he referred to her. He ran for a split second, then gazed around, then turned around to SheepFur. "Where's mom?"

"I don't know!" SheepFur replied, sounding annoyed.

SirenCrash kept looking around. "There she is!" He ran thowards her, and SheepFur just sat there, eavesdropping on the cats. SheepFur wasn't surprised when RyeBerry looked more angry than exited, and made her storm out of camp.

SirenCrash ran up to SheepFur, looking confused. "Why is mom so angry all the time?"

Told you. "That's how she is." SheepFur said, sounding exhausted.

Sheepish [Warrior Cats OC Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now