"There was nothing for you to help with-- the villians were unconscious on the floor by the time i came back!" Karasuma retorted. 

"Oh right.. anyways... where are they now?" Irina said, laying back down.

"They went back to The House 10 minutes ago." 

"Okay, not bad. But the others?" Irina said, frowning.

"What do we do? We could go check on them." Karasuma said, biting his lip in annoyance.

"Wow— you're asking me what to do?" Irina smiled arrogantly. 

"...Never mind."

"Oh come on!!"





"I think we should head over now." Karasuma said, pinching the top of his nose stressfully.

"Okay, but hold on, shouldn't we check up on Ritsu?" Irina said, grabbing her stuff to leave.

"That's... probably a good idea"

"Ya think?" Irina rolled her eyes, making Karasuma scowl.

Before he could pull out his phone, he got a message from Ritsu

Irina's head turned towards the phone.

"Is everything okay? it's flashing red— that means it's urgent right?"

Karasumas eyes widened as he read the message  

'SOS! come to the warehouse, we're in trouble. Takaokas here. All of us are here.'

"What the fuck." Irina said looking over Karasuma's shoulder. The man didn't even shake her off, like he would have done under any normal situation. But this wasn't normal.

"He's... back?!" Irina said, still trying to process everything. "Fuck!"

"Just shut up! let's go!" Karasuma said, grabbing his stuff and quickly making it out of the room.

"Fine! but don't tell me what to do!" Irina said, running close behind him.






Just before the duo got in the car, Karasuma paused and sternly looked at Irina. "Stop. We need to do this properly." He had to slow down his racing heart, otherwise the plan wouldn't work. 

"Are you serious?" Irina said, raising her eyebrows. "The kids are in the building with a guy who probably wants them all dead!"

"We have to stay calm in situations like this." Karasuma said quietly. 

"I am calm!" Irina protested. 

"Just... don't do anything stupid." Karasuma looked away.

"You think I'm going to do anything stupid?" Irina raised an eyebrow. "You should be worried about Nagisa going too far again."

Karasuma paused at that. "I think he knows better now." He sighed. Did Nagisa really know better? "Let's go."






"... Is this the building?" Irina said, cocking her head to the side. The two had finally arrived to the warehouse, after a long ride in the car. Irina complained every time they stopped at a red light and Karasuma had to calm her down from almost crashing the car. They were quite unlucky, almost every  light they had to pass was red.

"Yes..." Karasuma replied. "Stay alert."

Irina looked at him and nodded. "I'll get Ritsu."

"Hey, Ritsu? You there?" She asked, looking around and making sure nobody else was there. 

"Professor Bitch!" Ritsu exclaimed excitedly. 

"Yes! Okay, are we clear for the building? What's going on inside?"

"It's kind of hard to tell..." Ritsu said, her virtual face pouting. "It seems like I don't have complete control over the whole building."

"Oh?" Karasuma said, and raised an eyebrow. "Why would that be..." He looked at the building and frowned.

"I don't know! Somethings wrong. This whole situation..." Ritsu frowned. "It's weird."

"We should go." Irina said determinedly. "We don't have time to spare like this."

"Then hurry up." Karasuma sighed.







As the two of them entered the warehouse, Karasuma couldn't get the horrible feeling in his chest to go away. Even Irina felt something off. 

"Where are they..." Irina whispered to her phone.

"The hallway on the left... you have to keep going.." Ritsu replied. 

"Okay." Karasuma grunted, and walked along the hallway with Irina, both of them being stealthy-- even breathing quietly.

They walked a couple more steps through the hallways of the abandoned hallway, until they heard a faint beeping sound. 

"Is this the place?" Karasuma asked, hearing commotion coming from the hall in front of them.

"Yes." Ritsu nodded, her virtual avatar now cheering up.

Irina looked at Karasuma, and they took deep breaths before going in. 

"If I think the chance is right..." Karasuma said, before sighing. "I'll shoot him. The kids will be safe then."

Irina looked at him sympathetically, but still nodded. The both of them knew what they had to do. They had to save the kids from the psychopath. 

Just as the two of them took another step, they heard beeping, and it slowly became louder and more rapid. 

"There! I see them over there.. I can see Itona, Meg, and I think some of the others. They really are all there." Irina muttered, and turned towards Karasuma. 

"What's wron-" She said, but stopped when she heard the beeping. 

"Shit." Karasuma said, and looked down at the ground to see what triggered that sound. 

It was new technology, one that Karasuma was sure he had seen somewhere before. The moment their feet stepped over the invisible line that was shown as a laser between two walls, something was activated. 

"Ritsu!" Karasuma said panicked. "What was that?!"


Before she could even answer the phone, a loud explosion went off, basically sending the two of them flying backwards. 

(A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! If you're reading this, don't forget to study for finals! You don't want to fail because you read an assclass fanfic....But anyways thanks for reading! If you have any questions leave a comment!)

(A/N 2: I actually don't have a beta reader so if there is anything off or inconsistent pls tell me! It's greatly appreciated :))

 I wrote this listening to mitski :D

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