Chapter fifty-six

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Chapter fifty-six

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Chapter fifty-six

January 18, 1984

"Was that Angela you just got done talking to?" Randy asked me from the couch eating m&m's with Tina while they watched a movie, I took a seat next them rubbing my curls looking at the tv "Yea." I said dryly

"Is she doing okay in Georgia? how's the kids?" He asked "Hey!" Tina whined when Randy snatched the candy eating the last three m&m's, she pouted pushing his head then leaned back

"She's been doing okay we don't talk much about her just the kids. She said they've started to teeth and been trying to crawl." I miss having them around and holding them in my arms, Talking over phone with them isn't enough i needed to be around them. "Why do you sound so depressed?" Tina asked looking me up and down pouting at my aura and energy i was giving off "You're killing the mood. matter fact you always do"

I smacked my lips hitting her with a pillow "I just miss my kids" I announced "Well go down there and see them ain't nobody stopping you" She said back smartly "I'm sure Mrs.Woodland and Angela would like a break from the twins once and a while" She added

"Well you're friend is already taking a break" I rolled my eyes mugging the tv, The tv turned down so i looked at Randy and Tina who were highly invested on the subject i just picked up "What you mean by break?" Randy asked "Did she find a cute guy down there?" Tina asked

"She's going on a date with that El Garage guy" I scoffed crossing my arms looking away from them feeling their stares burn through my cheeks, "Punk are you talking about El DeBarge? my bestfriend?" Tina turned my head back around looking at me "Hm. Didn't know that was your friend nor do i give a fuck" I smacked her hand away "Don't touch me"

"Don't get mad at me because the lady in your life finally decided to move on from your bullshitting ass." She hit my head got up off the couch going to the kitchen "She's not lying Mike. You can't be mad plus you and Brooke made things official" Randy implied agreeing right along with Tina

"Can't be mad at nobody but your damn self!" Tina shouted from the kitchen looking through the refrigerator "I think her and El will make a good fit. Get married and maybe start a family"

I got off the couch quickly "The hell you mean by family? she has one already!" I semi yelled, Tina walked out with another pack of m&ms and cup of lemonade. She rolled her eyes walking past me "Yall might have kids together but that doesn't mean she can't start off something new. You fucked up and that's on you" She sat the cup down

ring! ring! ring!

The door bell rang loudly so Tina went over to see who was here. "Speaking of the devil your girlfriend is here" She looked back at me unlocking the door and walked away not greeting Brooke. I stood there blankly rocking on my heels watching Brooke come inside with bags in her hands "Hey baby" She said smiling "Hey guys" She waved at Randy and Tina

"Hey Brooke." They waved dryly and went back to the tv not paying her or me any attention "Hey baby" I kissed Brooke's cheek before bringing her into a hug

"Did you have fun shopping?" My thumb rubbed her cheek, admiring her beauty and how her eyes drove me crazy with her long blonde hair "Yes I did but i'd wish you had accompanied me" She pouted looking at me "Oh i'm sorry. I just needed to rest today and-"

"Did y'all hear?!" Janet busted through the door with Jermaine and Marlon right behind her and our parents "Angela and El DeBarge are out on a date!" She said excitedly jumping up and down like a kid at a candy store, I stood there blankly staring at her

Janet stopped jumping when she seen me and Brooke standing there looking at her, she crosse her legs awkwardly looking at us with her arms behind her back "Well are you gonna go back to her?" she asked, our mother gasped hitting Janet's shoulder

"Why would he go back to her?" Brooke asked tilting her head answering the question for me, I looked at her raising a brow "He's with me now. She needed to move on for the better..better for her health" My eyes widened when she said that

Tina gasped and stood up off the couch "The hell you mean by that?" She asked "You know exactly what I mean do i really have to explain it?" Brooke scoffed looking at Tina as if she lost her mind

"Michael you better get her" Tina chuckled pointed her finger at both of us, She went back to go sit down with Randy and Janet made her way to sit next to them and laid on Tina's lap just how she use to do with Angela being around

"Brooke go ahead and go upstairs i'll be up there soon" I sighed picking up the bags and giving them to her "Okay" She kissed my cheek and left

"You need to get that giraffe. I don't know why you won't just go down there and get back with Angela" Janet shook her head sighing looking at me "Well i can't because she moved on now and so did i. I plan on signing the divorce papers this week" I said

"Well it's about damn time. You hounding that girl but did so much messed up things" Tina kept throwing slick remarks at me, It was starting to really get on my nerves on how she had something to say about everything ever since that day "Do you have a problem with me Tina?"

"I sure the hell do and you should know that by now. I don't understand you, you played games with Angela for so damn long. Got her pregnant, married her, and cheated. Like you had all this shit planned out of something and when she finds out you want to start loving her correctly now? but messed that shit up too by getting with the GIRL you wanted all this stuff with? You're dead ass wrong and need fucking help Michael. You say you love her but don't even show it, yall both crazy and stubborn as hell and are meant for each other but you don't deserve Angela" Tina spat angrily mugging me and clenching the bag of candy

"Oh and I suppose your cousin is good for her? How many fucking times do i have to say it! I love Angela from the bottom of my heart but I messed up! I can't take it back! but we both moved on" I admit that i was truly hurt that she ended up going on a date with someone else besides me and wanted to see other people but i did put myself into this predicament because of my own selfish feelings

Tina stood up grabbing her bag and slipped on her slides "Nigga he'll treat her better than you could ever have! come on Randy take me home" Tina said

"I'm sorry Katherine and Joseph for my foul language but get your son before i slap him" Randy went after Tina who walked out the door and slammed the door behind her

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