Chapter twenty-nine

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Chapter twenty-nine

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Chapter twenty-nine

February 10, 1983

The big announcement we made at University of Southern California last week basketball game spread across the country very quickly . Paparazzi took many photos of us outside and inside the gymnasium sending them out to every magazine company and news station.

Michael was in a very good mood about it, He didn't mind talking to the reporter this morning with me by his side. He wouldn't stop telling them my business and how I act being pregnant, it was embarrassing but heart warming.

"Miss Woodland how did you first react to being pregnant?" The woman asked pointed the microphone at me "Well I was losing my mind crying! He was in total shock like lost for words" I mimicked Michael's face

He nudged me playfully "Hey" He rubbed my thigh "He accepted it right away. I was relaxed when he did but still scared. Now here we are" I slyly laughed looking at all of the cameras

"He's a wonderful guy and he's gonna become the best father to our child" I placed my hand on his looking at him "You mean children?" I furrowed my eyes at him

"What you mean? How many kids do you want exactly?" I looked at him placing my hands on my hips "Well I want six kids" He said softly

"Michael you are crazy! who do you think I am? A baby machine??" I looked at him like he was crazy "I barely can carry this one" I whined rubbing my stomach

"You're being dramatic. Your my wife" He cooed rubbing my shoulder, I just sat there lost for words and let him finish all of the talking while i process the six kids through my head


"You're being dramatic" I mocked Michael voice sitting in the living room eating a tub of vanilla Ice cream with the girls as the television played Webster

"So you really won't give him six kids?" Tina asked licking her spoon "Absolutely not! do you see the way i'm built?! I don't even think i can push one out!" I exclaimed

"Speaking of that. Angela don't you think you're a little too big to be three months? I mean twins do runs on both sides of the family" Erika mentioned "I thought the same too but we recently just went to the doctor two days ago and it was just one sack" I reasoned

Heather and Katherine been talking to me about this two but they said they had two sacks on their ultrasound pictures. It's either the other baby is hiding or i'm just carrying Michael's big headed child. Six more months left and my baby will be here. I'm not getting pregnant again until i feel ready because this was unexpected but fun.

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