Chapter thrity-nine

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Chapter thirty-nine

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Chapter thirty-nine

April 9, 1983

"Is Michael still bugging you about the movie?" Tina brushed my hair as I sat between her legs looking at my ultrasound that showed how much my baby has grown "Yes. He'll keep going on and on about it with a funky attitude. Yesterday at my doctors appointment he was even telling the doctor about it" I sighed heavily

Ever since I left the office our newest album blew up overnight going off the charts. Especially that one song, the news about Prince wanting me in his movie had also spread across the country.

I was getting calls and interviews about it but my answer was always the same thing 'I'm still taking it under consideration'. Definitely since Michael has been corning me about it, I think it'll be a great opportunity for me to expand my acting career. 3OU has been given a chance to have our very own show so why not do a movie too?

"He's just a little bit jealous..he feels like Prince will try to take you away from him" Tina said, I rubbed my stomach twisting my lips "I understand where he's coming from but he should know that I love him and only him"

"Girl I mean Prince is fine.." Tina looked at me raising her brows "I don't know." I chuckled shaking my head at her vibrant behavior "I forgot you'll forever be a Mikey girl" She pinched my cheeks laughing

Me and Tina been with each other ever since Erika pushed us out of her life, we've became even more closer with our bond like she was another sister. Heather hasn't been around much, she recently left to go off to Paris for her clothing line. The kids been with me and my parents but i've been away staying with Michael at the Jackson's residence.

"Oh yeah have you and Michael made any plans for the baby shower?" She asked me while she brushed my hair up into a ponytail "No we don't know yet. Michael said we should do an astrology theme with all the stars and space stuff" I replied thinking about how Michael had it all planned out

"That'll be so cute Angel!" She exclaimed, I turned around facing her with bright look on my face "I still can't believe you're having a baby" Her hands rubbed my shoulder giving me a soft look

"I'm really proud of you Angel. You're the little sister I always wanted"She pulled me into hug, a very tight one. I closed my eyes hugging her back letting our love grow stronger, she rubbed my back sniffing to hold back her tears.

I'm guessing she was also missing Erika being around us too, our group hugs were just everything. We missed her voice and her giving us advice that we need. Now there's just an empty spot in the void, we don't see her around the company she comes in during the days we don't.

We pulled away from the hug wiping each other faces with our thumbs "Tina I would like you to become my baby god baby" I smiled softly, she gasped loudly making me giggle "Oh my GOD! I would love too!" She pulled me back into another hug rocking sideways

She quickly pulled back to lift up my shirt revealing my bump "Hi baby i'm your god mommy" She kissed my stomach repeatedly "That tickles!" I laughed squirming

"What's going on?" We seen Randy and Michael walking inside the house taking off their shoes and jackets, "Angel just asked me to the baby's god mom" Tina sat up smiling

The guys walked towards us "Hey I am the God dad" Randy held his hands up with a sly smile before kissing Tina's forehead. Michael came to sat next to me on the floor wrapping his arms around me "Hey Baby" His soft voice spoke

"Hey Mikey" I kissed his cheek looking at him, his mood was different this time like he went back to normal "What's got you in a good mood" I asked curiously "Nothing why you ask?"

"Oh I don't know..maybe because you've been hounding me with an attitude about acting in that movie" He chuckled showing his white teeth "Baby I'm just in a good mood" He pecked my lips

"Yeah okay" I rolled my eyes playfully "But I think we should start planning the baby shower we can do the astrology thing. The baby will be coming really soon"

"I'll call around to get everything settled so you won't have to worry about nothing but looking good in a dress" His head was in the crook of my neck "Okay" I bit my lips feeling his breath against my skin

"See that's how y'all ended up in this predicament now. Michael give the damn girl a rest" Randy threw a pillow at us, I giggled as Michael throw the pillow back

"Man like yall don't be doing the same thing. These walls are thin" Michael pointed to his ears looking at them, Randy and Tina's face turned hot red from embarrassment "Michael!" I hit his shoulder while he just laugh


July 31, 1983

Three long months has passed by very quickly and so much had happened during those periods of time too. 3OU songs being used in movies, variety shows, and sitcoms. We are America's biggest female group right now despite the news about our problems with Erika.

Many people looked up to us like we were princesses. Heather even made us our very own clothing line for her new season, little girls dressing up like us when we have meet and greets. I wasn't able to do a lot of performances that involves a lot of dancing.

I'm close to having the baby, I was now eight going on nine months pregnant,Michael was driving me crazy with him being so obsessive. I couldn't go no where without him, I had to be by his side 24/7.

"Angel how do you like your makeup?" Heather turned the chair around looking into the mirror, I also got a look at myself and my makeup was very nice along with my hair being flat ironed. "I love it" I grinned hugging her

"I'm happy for you Angel. I know you've been dreaming to become a're also married and taking off with your career" Heather held my hand "I remember when you and Antonio were just babies. Seeing you two really made me happy i was a big sister and kind of felt like a mom to you two" We chuckled

She pulled me into a hug "You'll be a wonderful mother but just don't give me a lot of nieces and nephews" She rubbed my back, "Im not" I whimpered against her shoulder

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