Morning. You have any idea where I could find my clothes?' she whispered in my ear, her voice still raspy from the sleep.

'Yes, ehmm. They are, ehmm. There.'

'Couch.' I managed to choke out, trying to ignore her warm, naked body pressed against my back.

'Coffee?' I weakly proposed, raising the cup, not daring to turn around. She kissed my shoulder and extended her arm, taking the cup.

'Thanks.' she said and walked towards my couch, giving me a great view of her ass. I cleared my throat, trying to tear my eyes away from her swaying hips, but I was caught by her hypnotizing walk.

'Can I take a shower?' Becky asked, turning around and exposing her lean body. I quickly looked away, not wanting to gawk at her like an idiot and tried to fixate on my cup of coffee.

Becky grinned and walked back towards me, pushing my head up with her index finger.

'I think you made yourself familiar with every inch of my body last night, you can look all you want' she seductively said, kissing me on my lips, pressing her luscious body against me.

I wished my shirt wasn't this thin, so that I couldn't feel her firm nipples prod through the fabric, but at the same time, I wished I was still naked.

'Ehh, I do enjoy looking at you. And yes, you can take a shower. Why don't I show you my bathroom?' I grinned, placing my hands on her hips and turning her around, pushing her to my bathroom door.

I think I was going to enjoy this shower.


'Work. I have work. I should get going. Because I have work' Becky muttered, trying to pry herself away from my kissing lips. I smirked and quickly nibbled on her earlobe. She moaned and pressed herself closer into me. God, this was killing me.

'Work. Stop kissing me, Freen.' she whispered while letting her fingers walk over my hip. I rolled my eyes and pulled away, giving us both some breathing space.

'Fine, fine. Spoilsport' I smirked and stood up, untangling our bodies. She also stood up, stretching her sexy body before putting her clothes back on.

'When am I going to see you again?' I questioned, keeping my voice light and playful.

She winked and let her hands seductively trail up my body.

'You are seeing me right now.' she whispered, making the hairs on my arm stand up. God, she was so sexy.

'You know what I mean, BB.' I grinned, hiding the turmoil I had inside me.

'Call me later.' she teased, removing her body from mine and walking towards the door. I quickly ran after her and caught her just before she walked out of my apartment. A couple of hot kisses later she was walking down the hallway. I closed the door and leant back, feeling a mixture of satisfaction and despair. Last night was amazing, but I very well knew why. The love pill must have taken immediate effect.

Normally I gave people the love pill after a couple of days, which would strengthen their attraction, give them the feeling that we had a lot in common. After I got the information, I would stop giving the love pill and the 'love' they experienced would fade away. I'd disappear from their lives and when they remembered me, I would just be a short fling. An intense, but nonetheless short fling.

Things with Becky were going to be so different. I had known her about two months, had been texting her every day, calling her regularly, spending as much time with her as I could. The weeks before today, when I had given her the pill, had existed in flirting and dating. All these things were untainted by the chemicals in the love pill, which meant they were taken in with full effect. When I would cut her off after the two months of dating and the phantom love it would hurt. It would hurt and leave a nice, big scar. Note the sarcasm.

Not to forget the impact that she made on my life. Not that she would ever know...She wouldn't believe a word that came out of my mouth after I told her about the love pill. I wasn't even sure if I could tell her about it. I don't even know if our company had rules about it. I had never thought about this issue because I had never met anyone who made me question it.

Although I felt extremely bad about lying and manipulating Becky, I couldn't help it when the excitement bubbles started rising and the butterflies started fluttering. It was official. Becky Armstrong was falling in love with me. I knew I had to feel guilty, but I just couldn't stop smiling.

No man ever had given me this feeling. I'm not even sure that after Becky I could go back to dating men...But on the other hand, I wasn't a lesbian.

I don't think I have ever met another woman to whom I was attracted to. There was just something about Becky that I couldn't resist. I think it was the small of her back. Who knew that someone's back could be so sexy?

After all the conclusions, I knew what this meant. Becky was going to be the person to whom I was going to compare my future lovers. Completely out of the blue, she had become the standard.

My standard.

'Damn it, Becky. I whispered.

The Love Pillजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें