Chapter 8 : Miracles, Misfortune, and "Mendaciousness"

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We are going to maybe have a couple of transition chapters before the next arc. Its going to be a good amount of dialogue and some more action and humor at the and of the transition between arcs.


Talking Aloud : ""

Thoughts : ''


[Akemi City -  Akemi Hospital]

The main doors of the hospital burst open as All Might walked in, carrying the kid who's warmth was slowly fading.


The hospital staff jolted from the sudden shout from the man that had practically broken their door down. They looked at him and discovered that the man was the #1 hero All Might! But their excitement for having a celebrity come to their hospital was quickly replaced with concern for the person in his arms. A child, almost completely covered in blood that was now dripping rapidly onto the floor. One of the nurses jogged forward and guided All Might through some double doors to the right, leading him down a hallway.

Nurse #1 : "Can we get some help over here?!"

A couple of more nurses and a few doctors poked their heads out to see what the commotion was about. They recognized All Might immediately, but saved their admiration for later as they realized what he came here for. Some people ran foreword and took the child from All Might, putting him on a stretcher. Others ran back to several rooms, getting all the necessary supplies for the battle they were going to fight. Another nurse ran to the far back and returned with a tall elderly-yet-fit doctor in tow.

Doctor : "What happened?"

All Might : "It was...a villain. A villain did this."

The doctor put his hand over the kid's torso, emitting a purple light. He pulled a slip of paper out, wrote some things down, and gave it to one of the other doctors who was going to go with the kid on the stretcher.

Doctor : "Looks like he's suffered severe concussive force directed in the chest as well as blood loss. We'll try to get him stable."

All Might grunted.

All Might : "Do you think you can save him?"

Doctor : "It's too soon to tell, but his body is really battered and he's lost a lot of blood. We will try our best, but the chances... it's not looking too good, unfortunately."

All Might's heart sank.

All Might : "I see. I will return to check on him later."

The doctor nodded.

Doctor : "Alright. I'll keep the staff notified. I wish we met in more pleasant circumstances, but fate doesn't always give us the privilege of choice. I'm Doctor Myoga. And speaking of getting checked on, you should also try to get yourself some medical attention. You have a lot of blood on you and I don't know if that's the kid's or yours."

All Might : "Thank you for your concern. But it will be very much appreciated if you focus more of your resources in order to try to save the kid's life. I have my own private medical care."

Dr. Myoga smiled.

Dr. Myoga : "I understand. We'll save him."

All Might waved and walked out of the hallway just as his body started smoking. He rushed out of the hospital and jumped into the air.

[One week later...]


The doctor was sitting forward in his office, elbows on his desk and fingers interlocked, resting his chin on the top. The lights were turned off and two monitors illuminated his face, reflecting their images off of his glasses. His eyes reviewed the images on their screens, reciting his diagnosis in his mind. As well as possible causes on the patient's other irregularities.

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