Chapter 1 : That's not funny...

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Hello guys. Just experimenting with a new fanfict. Please comment. I want to know your guy's thoughts and opinions.


The rain poured down, highlighted by flashing red and blue lights of police cars and paramedics. It was a tragic scene. A car wreck...the result of a villain attack. 

"I'm sorry, kid." was all the officer could say. He placed an hand on the child's left shoulder, trying what little he could to comfort him. They were about 12 feet away from where both of the bodies were laid, already covered with tarp to hide the sight of their breathless corpses. Blood had eerily splattered around the area at the time of the wreck. The rain helped a little to wash it away.

 But all it did was add to the tears.

The child cried. He muttered some things while staring at the place where the bodies of his parents lie. Although the officer couldn't hear what the child said, he could hear the desperation in his voice. He stared at the bodies for a few moments, as if they would stand back up through some miracle. After a little while later, the child resumed his sobbing. Even harder this time.

The officer patted his shoulder, bringing him into a hug. The kid cried for a few minutes, then calmed down. He gently broke out of the officers hug and stood up. He faced the officer and looked him in the eye. The officer could see the agony in the eyes of the child. 

"Peace", he said while holding up two fingers. He then disappeared into nothingness.

The officer, startled, quickly stood to his feet. He franticly glanced around, searching for the child who had just tragically lost the only relatives he had. The officer was not new to runaways who would use their quirks to run away. Apparently, this one could turn himself invisible.

He called to his coworkers, who were quick to judge the seriousness of the situation. They understood how dangerous a kid at such a young age could be to himself and others when unsupervised and with a newly awakened quirk, especially after experiencing such trauma. They swiftly sent out an alert to all the local officers and heroes in the area to keep an eye out for a black haired kid about five years old. After an hour and still no sign of the kid, more heroes joined. Some even had quirks specializing in tracking. They still couldn't find him. It was like he simply vanished. The cameras saw nothing. Any scent that people with animal based quirks could detect eventually led to a dead end. Even someone with a clairvoyance quirk couldn't find him. A week later, a group of specialists were given the kid's case to find him.

They looked everywhere, even other cities. No sign of him. Eventually they stopped looking for him and the active search was called off. Another person was lost. Although they kept the case open, no one had succeeded in locating him.

 Some people treated it like a challenge. Bets were made on who could find him first. Others just assumed that the kid had died somehow, as some search quirks didn't register him at all. One of the few ways some people escaped detection was if they some sort of immunity to certain quirks. Or if they were dead...


Yeah. Sad beginnings...

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