Just about as she was going to open her room, I notice something strange on my sleeve.

I made sure that she wasn't looking, afraid that it might be what I'm thinking it is and...it was.


I had a red stain in my sleeve that I somehow failed to notice.

Then I started having flashbacks of earlier, cutting myself right after I stormed out of the way, after I accidentally let myself snap.

A small gasp escaped from my mouth, but I don't think Uraraka noticed as she continued to try and open her jammed door. Well, at least... I hope she didn't notice.

Allas, she opened the door and faced me again, making me automatically move my hand which had the blood stain on it, behind me.

" Okay, let's go inside...", she said while narrowing her eyes.

I have a feeling that she somehow noticed me panicking for a sec.

I tried to hold my breath, fearing that she might have noticed the blood on my sleeve.

We went inside her room.

Her room was quite basic, but it was cute. She had a small bed, which had a light green quilt on them, she also had 3 stuffed toys on her bed. A cat, A bunny and a duck. She had a simple desk which had a heart shaped lamp on it and a few papers and a navy blue/green office chair. On the same desk, she also had 2 frames. One of which, was her parents and the other was one of me, Todoroki kun, Tsu, and Iida.

I followed her to her balcony.

It was quite windy. My hair was flowing slowly in the wind and cool breeze. I had to arrange my bangs a couple of times with my other hand, while trying my best to not mess up and show the hand that had the blood stain on it ( which was currently behind my back).

" you wanted to talk to me, Uraraka san?", I asked.

All she could say was a simple " yes" followed by a shot silence.

It seems like she was really nervous on what about she'll say to me, which made me nervous and thinking of all the different possibilities on what she's trying to say to me.

I gave her a smile, knowing that she can trust me and hopefully, make her feel less nervous.

She gave me a worried smile back and then continued. " Earlier...when i touched your arm...you immediately ran off without saying anything....did I hurt you somehow?", she said while looking up at my emerald eyes.

My eye's widened.

At that moment, I felt like I was zoning out of existence, if that makes any sense?

I couldn't move a muscle, fearing what she'll say next.

" Y-yeah?", I say.

She brought both of her hands together and covered her mouth, " wait, so I did hurt you!? How!?", she said worried.

" N-no no! I meant no", I sigh then I continued, " No you didn't hurt me, I ran off because I was disappointed at myself for lashing out."

Her face went back to confusion. " But, when I touched you, you looked like you were in pain? ".

I bit my lip.

" Oh! I did? I didn't mean to come off like that hahaha", I tried to laugh it off, maybe she'll believe me. But I guess, it didn't work.

" ...... After I came to comfort you, I noticed something strange....", she said while looking down.

I gulped, praying for this conversation to just end so I can go back to my room.

" I had a red stain on my sleeve, Deku kun....."

My heart was racing. I clenched my shirt and I began to breath heavily.


Not now!

Why now!?

I was about to have another panic attack.

She looked up at me again with a worried look plastered on her face. " Deku kun?".

I rubbed my head with my hand which was clenching my shirt a few seconds ago," O-oh...sorry Uraraka san....continue ".

" Yeah... well... as I said, I noticed a red stain on my sleeve and when I went to check it out it was blood, but there were no visible injuries on my arm...so, what I'm trying to say is..... did you injure your arm somehow?"

I frowned, trying to think of the best excuse I could tell her.

" A-actually, yeah! I did! Earlier on today, I accidentally scratched myself with a glass shard!".

She wasn't much fazed with it and proceeded to ask me another question, " A glass shard? How did you accidentally injure yourself with that?".

" I woke up sleep walking and I accidentally knocked over my flower vase which was on my desk. It fell on the floor and it broke. When I snapped out of it, I slipped on the water and It made me fall. My arm fell on the glass and I got a piece of glass in my skin and I had to remove it".

Fingers cross, she'll believe me.

"Ok....well, I hope you feel better soon! You did disinfect the wound, right?", she said.

To me she looked quite convinced, but something in me had the feeling that she is not a 100 percent convinced yet. It's like, she might know that something is wrong.

" Yeah! Of course I did!....Well, I gotta go now... I still need to do some of my hw".

" Wait! I got another thing I wanna tell you!"

I gave her a slight smile, " Can you tell me later?"

She looked disappointed, but she nodded.

And at that she let me go and I went straight too my room, also, making sure that I won't get noticed by my other classmates.

Uraraka's Pov:

His story sounded believable, but there was something with it that just felt plain wrong.

It's like it's a cover up for something.

I also didn't have enough time to tell him about what Bakugo said earlier about him " being bullied again".

During our conversation, I've noticed that one of his hands was behind his back. It was probably the one that had the scrap on it, as he mentioned.

I was going to ask him about why he's covering his hand behind his back but, again, He had to leave to do his hw.

I went and sat on my bed, still thinking about the stain.



Something doesn't add up.

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