Chapter 1: Encounter of a New World

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A girl wakes up in an unknown abandoned city and shoots up, remembering that she was in a fight

Catacombs: “DIE YOU RUSS- where the hell am I?” She said, looking around, noticing that she was once in a forest and now in a destroyed city

“I was in a for- wait, how the hell can I talk, and why do I have a body? When the hell did I become a human!?” She exclaimed, then she examined herself

She was wearing a US Army uniform with a NATO patch on her right arm, on that same army was the USA flag in its colored form she had the standard body armor on, a medium ruck, and had a rifle slung across her chest and a pistol at her hip. She wore a helmet.

“The last thing I remember was fighting agents, a Russian tank platoon in a forest. Now this?”

she deadpans “I probably got hit in the side, and they hit that ammo rack there…. Fuck.”

She looks around one last time making sure no one was around before taking all her gear off and seeing all the things she has: “4 mags, and 4 clips, it's going to be rough.”

She put her gear back on and then heard rustling near some footsteps, and without her thinking she got into a fighting position, her gun pointed in the direction the noise came from

“Stop, Reveal yourself, slowly” she talked loud enough she thought for the person or thing to hear her

A moment goes by, and the person steps around the corner in… a female British uniform? “Well you are as paranoid as ever. I thought I was the only one to wake up here.” she said, noticing that it was an  ally

Catacombs: “Who knows, but what is a British infantryman doing here?” She said, lowering her gun

British girl: “I'm not an infantryman, I am the challenge 2. Name's Saint Charles.”

Catacombs: “Well then… it looks like we're both tank's, I'm M1A2, Name's Catacombs.”

Saint Charles: “nice to meet you Catacombs….. I feel like I heard that name before? Back at one of the FOBs.”

They shook hands, confirming that they are indeed allies

Catacombs: “No I would have remembered if I was attached to a British company, and I was on the flank side of my company trying to set up a FOB.”

The two tanks decided to walk and talk for some time talking keeping an ear out for any other signs of life, whether it was friend or foe

Soon, they heard soft footsteps and talking in the distance. The two stopped and hid behind some walls out of sight, only to find out that the voices sounded German, one with more of an English accent.

Both American and British tanks looked at each other without saying a word walked out

Catacombs: “Hey. Friendly, Nato.”

The two Germans looked at the two coming out from behind a wall. They raised their guns up but quickly put them down after seeing the two uniforms and flags on their shoulders.

One of the Germans was wearing a Canadian uniform

Canadian: “Ah more friendly. What are the infantry marines doing here?” looking at Catacombs

a blood vessel appears on Catacombs' forehead: “I'm not infantry, or a marine I'm a tank like you guys, I assume.” she said in a restrained voice

German tank: “Oh you must be an army infantryman then.”

Catacombs: “I am M1A2. My name is Catacombs, and this is.” she motions to the British girl “uh yeah.”

Saint Charles: “Did you seriously forget my name?”

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