This Wish

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Hey hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. I have changed the pronouns in the upcoming wish as both Asha and Neah are singing it if that's okay. Just wanted to let you all know I don't own the song. Credit goes to Disney and the songwriters. It is important to this fan fiction story.


Magnifico, Amaya and Arzu sat in the room. The prince was very quiet. Too quiet. The queen was worried whilst his uncle was gorging piggishly on the food. "'ve hardly touched your food,"

"I'm not hungry," he was a little grumpy.

"Come on Arzu. You know only one wish can be granted per night," Magnifico wouldn't stop eating. "It's our tradition. So don't complain that I didn't grant your wish,"

Arzu became angry at his tone. "Any good reason why only one wish is granted? I know grandfather or my father would have granted more wishes. And what about my friends' grandfather's wish? He's waited too many years for it to be granted. I know they asked you,"

"Why did you turn them away?" Amaya demanded softly. "And what was that about during the ceremony? Why couldn't you do something for a change and bring Miraz back? This was supposed to be my son's big night. How you acted..."

"Can I talk to you Amaya privately?" Magnifico demanded. Before a word could leave her open lips, he stood up quickly. " Arzu...wait here. Your mother and I are going to talk about something important," He marched out of the room, much to their frustration.

"Mum...he's full of himself," Arzu spat out. "I know something happened between him and the girls. They looked scared when I tried to talk to them. I heard him shouting when I came to collect them,"

"I will get to the bottom of this," his mother promised, patting his shoulder. "I will make sure your wish is granted. Wait here," with a determined face, she left the dining room. But Arzu felt his worry growing again. He needed to spy on them. He tiptoed quietly out of the dining room towards the library. He pushed the door gently and peeked inside.

"I want to know why you didn't grant my son's wish," the queen demanded.

Magnifico did his best to try and sound calm. "Amaya, you know as well as I could...we can't bring people back from the dead,"

"But you can bring them back temporarily for a day. Minaz told me so himself,"

"Yes brother believed in a lot of things that just weren't possible,"

"He was the best of your father's students. He had plans to bring him back for a whole day so that our son could meet him,"

"'s forbidden magic,"

"Nonsense my husband would never get involved with forbidden magics. Now answer me...what did you do to my son's friends?"

"They challenged my power,"

"Nonsense. They just wanted their grandfather's wish to be granted. It's his birthday today too. He should have had his wish granted. For a long time since you took over as king, I've never thought to question your intentions....but now I'm really beginning to question your rules on when or which wishes can be granted. I know Minaz would never..."

"Minaz is dead!" Magnifico roared, frightening her immensely. "He's not here. I'm the king. Not him. I didn't want to have to do this Amaya...but no matter how many times I've tried you'll never marry me and be my queen. I will make you mine. And I will turn Arzu too," Before Amaya could react, he pulled out an amulet and held it in front of her eyes. She froze. Her eyes glowed green.

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