Welcome to Rosas

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Hello. Sorry for not updating for a while. I had to wait till this came out on Disney Plus and because I was in France, I couldn't access it but it's here now. I hope you enjoy it and I will make sure the next one is up either tomorrow or next Monday to Tuesday. By the way, I do not own the upcoming song. Credit goes to Disney. I would like to point out that I've added a few lyrics of my own to go with the story if that is alright. Enjoy it.


Ten years had long passed since the death of King Minaz. Prince Arzu had grown and blossomed into the kind caring man his father was. He woke to the rising sun and stretched his arms. The balcony doors were pushed open and he inhaled a deep gust of morning air and breathed out slowly. He opened his eyes and saw his future subjects awakening to the glorious rays of first light. And all at once they got to work putting up banners, setting up stalls, greeting ships travelling from far and wide...

"Big day today," he walked over to a portrait of himself and his parents when he was eight. His smile dropped and he touched his father's face. "I wish you were here Father. So you could teach me to rule this kingdom with love and joy. I wish you weren't missing today,"

The doors burst open. "Happy Birthday Son!" Amaya, still ravishing and beautiful, strode into the room and she kissed his cheeks.

"Okay mum," he groaned wiping her lip marks off.

"Hey! Don't wipe off my kisses. We've got a big day ahead of us son. You're eighteen! Can you believe it?"

"Doesn't feel that long ago I was seventeen,"

"Oh, just get into the birthday spirit!" Amaya clapped her hands and servants came into the room. "Time to dress you up!"

Escorted behind some dressing boards, Arzu was washed, dressed, and brushed. As he emerged back into his room, his mother saw a handsome young man wearing a navy tunic adorned with star dots and silver linings with a matching belt. He wore silver leggings with golden boots and his hair was brushed back with strands dangling behind the side of his face.

She couldn't contain her tears. "You look much like your father,". She stroked his hair strands, brushing them behind his ear. "He would be so proud of you,"

"I wish he was here with us,"

"He's always with us son. Even if it doesn't seem like it. Now, please...I want you to have this," the queen held up a white package wrapped in a gold ribbon. "Open it,"

Arzu took it. He unwrapped it. Inside was a short dagger with a golden handle. And by the side of it was a golden broch with the symbol of a rose. "It was your father's dagger and his favourite broach," she fastened it to his collar. "I felt it was time you had it,"

He embraced his mother, unable to contain his tears. "I know exactly what I want to wish for,"

"Well, you know what...there's a wish ceremony tonight. And you give your wish," she poked his nose.


"Yes really!" exploded a voice from outside. And inside emerged his uncle: the current king: Magnifico. "How does my favourite nephew feel about turning eighteen today?!"

"Excited. But a little overwhelmed. And I am your only nephew,"

Magnifico laughed. "Come. I've prepared a perfect birthday banquet,"

"But it's only the morning,"

"Come on. A prince like you must feast at every meal on his birthday," the ecstatic uncle escorted the queen and the prince to the royal dining hall which had a blue marble floor with golden columns. Servants had already set the table with plates of fruit and porridge and toast and croissants and jams. They were at the royal chairs and juice was poured for them. They gorged on the food but as Arzu was eating, he stared at the seat opposite his.

Wish (My Version)Where stories live. Discover now