Exchanging Rings

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As the ceremony unfolded, Alex and Lily found themselves being the center of attention, surrounding by their friends and family waiting the next step. Sensing the tension between the couple, their friends and cousins decided to inject some lightheartedness in the ceremony.

"Lily won't it be adorable if Alexander got down on one knee and propose to you?" Sarah whispered mischievously with a playful hint in her eyes.

The idea caught on fire immediately, and soon enough everyone present in the ceremony, mainly Alexander's cousins encouraged him on.

"Go on, Alex, show us your romantic side also." Nathanial, Alexander's cousin nugget him with her elbow.

Caught off guard with the sudden turn of events, Alex hesitated for a moment before reluctantly sinking to one knee before Lily, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"um, Lily, uhmm, will you do me the honor of being my wife?" his voice tinted with amusement as he played along with their friends and cousin's antics.

Lily couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Her heart was warmed with Alexander's willingness to embrace the moment despite his reservations.

With a smile, she nodded her head, her eyes sparkling as she replied, "Yes Alex, I will."

And as their friends erupted into cheers and applause, Lily and Alexander exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the reality of their situation. With this, they exchanged the rings.

After some time, Sarah and Nathaniel decided to tease the newly engaged couple

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After some time, Sarah and Nathaniel decided to tease the newly engaged couple.

"Come on, you two, let's see some romance!" Sarah teased, nudging Lily playfully.

Lily forced a nervous laugh, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Yeah, uh, romance," she muttered, avoiding Alexander's gaze.

Alexander shifted uncomfortably, his hands clammy as he reached for Lily's. "Right, um, shall we?" he mumbled, gesturing awkwardly towards the space between them.

Their friends erupted into laughter, teasing them mercilessly as they watched the couple's clumsy attempts at affection.

"Give us a real kiss, you two!" one of Lily's cousins shouted, prompting a chorus of cheers and whistles from the crowd.

Lily and Alexander exchanged hesitant glances before tentatively leaning in to kiss, their lips meeting in a chaste peck that left them both feeling more awkward than ever.

But their cousins weren't satisfied. "Booo!" they shouted, their playful jeers echoing through the room as Lily and Alexander pulled away, their faces flushed with embarrassment.

Just when they thought the ordeal was over, their friends had other plans. "Time for a dance!" Sarah declared, dragging Lily towards the dance floor while Nathaniel did the same to Alexander.

As a romantic song filled the air, Lily and Alexander found themselves swaying awkwardly to the music, their movements stiff and uncoordinated. Their friends cheered them on, urging them to relax and enjoy the moment, but the couple couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that hung over them like a dark cloud.

But despite their awkwardness, there was a sense of unity between them as they danced, their eyes meeting occasionally in silent acknowledging their situation. And as the song came to an end and they returned to their seats, Lily and Alexander shared a small smile, grateful for the support of their friends and family in this strange new chapter of their lives.

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