Laura's Proposal

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Laura returned to their home after observing the fight between Alexander and Lily, her mind buzzed with thoughts and ideas. She knew that the success of the partnership between the Blake and Austen families depended on more than business- it depended on building a connection between the families.

That evening, when James and Laura sat in their living room, sipping tea and discussing the events of the day, Laura started talking about what was in mind the whole day.

"James, I have been thinking," she started tentatively, he voice soft but resolute ,"Perhaps, there is a way to strengthen this partnership with the Austen family even further."

James raised an eyebrow, surprised by his wife's sudden declaration, "Oh? And, what do you have in mind, darling?", he inquired, setting his cup of tea to give her his undivided attention.

Laura took a deep breath, " I believe that a union between Alex and Lily will not only strengthen the partnership but also contribute to a brighter future for both the families," she explained, her words measured and determined.

James regarded her suggestion with a mix of surprise and contemplation. "You mean...a marriage?" he ventured in an intrigued tone.

Laura nodded, her eyes alight with determination. "Yes, James. I know it may seem unconventional but hear me out. Alex and Lily may not each other lovingly or to be precise cordially, but I truly believe that they can complement each other in ways we can't even imagine.

James thought about his wife's words, a million of thoughts running in his mind due to such an unexpected proposal. "Its certainly a bold idea," he admitted with a hint of skepticism. "But do you really think that they will agree to this absurd idea?"

Laura gaze softened as her husband is considering her idea, "We will not know unless we try," she replied earnestly. "And if means it will help us secure the partnership, it is worth trying."

With a shared understanding passing between them, Laura and James resolved to talk to Alex and Lily, knowing that this proposal has the potential to change their lives forever.

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