A Dinner To Remember!

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As the Blakes arrived at the Austen household, they were greeted with warm smiles and heartfelt  welcomes. Margaret ushered them inside, her eyes alighted with excitement.

"Welcome! We are so glad you all could join us!", she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine hospitality.

Laura returned the smile, her gaze sweeping over the tastefully decorated dining room. "Thank you for having us," she replied graciously. Her eyes lingering on Lily, who stole nearby with a polite smile. 

Lily met Laura's gaze with a polite nod. Lily's eyes then moved to Alexander and she was shocked to see him and a flicker of tension hung in the air between them. Memories of their first encounter, igniting a spark of resentment that she struggled to suppress.

Meanwhile, Alexander's expressions remained stoic as he exchanges polite pleasantries with everyone. His mind drifted back to the first encounter with Lily on the streets of the New York City. The memory is still fresh in his mind, as if it happened a few minutes ago.

As dinner commenced, conversations flowed freely around the table, simmering the tension beneath the surface.

"So, Alexander tell us more about your company," Robert prompted, eager to know more about their partners.

Alexander cleared his throat, his demeanor shifting slightly as he gave a brief overview of his family business. "Well, our family specialize in various sectors, from retail to technology. But lately, we are facing some issues with our online presence," he explained, his tone filled with frustration.

Lily listened intently, her curiosity piqued by the discussion. "It feels like we have some common ground," she remarked with a pointed look in Alexander's direction.

He met her gaze with a raised eyebrow, a hint of skepticism, "Perhaps," he said guarded.

As the evening progressed, Laura found herself drawn to Lily's charm and wit. "You have such a lovely bookstore, Lily. I can see why it is so special to your family," she commented with genuine admiration in her eyes.

Lily smiled graciously, the tension easing slightly with this warm compliment. "Thank you Laura. It means a lot," she replied with gratitude in her voice.

Meanwhile, Alexander's gaze is fixated on Lily with a mixture of frustration and intrigue in his eyes. "You certainly have a way with words, Lily" he remarked, his tone full of sarcasm.

Lily raised her eyebrow, her frustration budding to the surface, "And you certainly have a way of making things difficult, Alexander", she retorted.

This exchange does not go unnoticed by Laura, who observed their banter with keen interest. As the evening drew to close, she found herself contemplating the possibility of a union between Alexander and Lily, a prospect that filled her heart with hope for the future.

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