First Meet

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It was an autumn afternoon when Alexander, dressed in a suit that displayed his power and authority, hurried along the sidewalk while his mind is pre-occupied with his today's agenda.

At the same time, Lily was marching towards her beloved bookstore- Pages & Prose carrying a pile of books.

Their paths crossed suddenly and before they knew it, Lily's books went flying, scattering across the pavement. Shocked, Lily's irritation flared while gathering her belongings, mustering a sharp rebuke at Alexander. He, in turn, replied with impatience, adding fuel to the fire with his bad and cussing words.

Lily (annoyed): Watch where you are going the next time. 

Alexander: I could say the same to you! Perhaps you should pay more attention to your surroundings.

Lily (shot a glare to him): I was paying attention ! It is not my fault that you were in such a hurry.

Alexander (with his lips tightened): Well, maybe if you weren't blocking the entire sidewalk with your stacks of books, accident like these wouldn't happen.

The brief encounter left them both rattled, each retreating to their own thoughts as they silently gathered all the books together. This ignited a spark of animosity that simmered beneath the surface. From then on, they eyed each other warily, silently vowing to steer clear of one another.

Little did they know that this chance encounter would set the stage for a significant intertwining their lives. One that would challenge their assumptions and reveal the unexpected connections that lay beneath their initial hostility.

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