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chapter 1.) recovery

"It wasn't my fault!"

"Well it sure as shit wasn't mine, either!"


Charlie's mind was still attempting to wrap itself around the events that occurred—it had just been so much. One moment, Reina was fine, she was there; until she wasn't. Three days of stomach-churning anxiety, and then she just walked through the door, injured, but fine.

Charlie hadn't known what had happened.

Until she did.

And to say she was angry was an injustice to the term itself.

Charlie was nearly certain she'd never wanted to murder anyone before—especially not someone she had once considered a friend. But the sheer hate she felt, like bile rising in her throat, had counteracted any previous thought whatsoever.

She currently wanted nothing more than to kill Maeve.

And she had a feeling a certain pair felt the same way, and would be more than willing to help her do so.

Charlie had always liked making plans, preparing things in advance and executing them exactly the way she anticipated. Although usually, her intentions were to benefit others—but now, she had a new plan. And while it would be for the better interest of everyone at the hotel, she knew that Maeve most certainly wouldn't agree to such a thing.

It didn't matter to Charlie, though. After all, dead people couldn't have opinions.


Reina knew she was supposed to play things smart, to strategize and plot and prepare. That had been her outlook on everything, throughout her mortal life—and such tendencies had followed her even through death, meticulous aforethought going into everything she did.

But for once, she wanted to say, to hell with normality. She wanted nothing more than to storm the Vees' stupid tower and massacre each and every one of them.

"DO IT!" Juliet's voice came out of nowhere, causing Reina to jump up in surprise.

"Jules, as much as we want to, we have to wait," Reina tried to explain, wringing her hands together to distract herself from the anxiety that began forming in the pit of her stomach. "We need to look at this from a logical angle—"

"—As you were thinking LITERALLY TWO SECONDS AGO, screw that!" Juliet argued, mouth pulled downwards into a jagged frown. "Come on, Rei, let's go fuck 'em up!"

"I don't recall you ever being so violent in the past," Reina muttered, a teasing lilt weaving its way into her tone. 

"I literally couldn't EXIST for, like, almost a MONTH!" Juliet whined, balling its inky hands into little fists. "It was so fucking BORING! Now I wanna do something! Like, I don't know, maybe murder your bastard of a sister! Pretty pretty please! Look what she did!"

Reina tensed, glancing down at her hands; for the slightest moment, she saw them as they were mere days ago, cut up and covered with blood. She could still feel it, see it, the liquid warm and sticky against her already-calloused skin, pressing her hands to her stomach to stop a wound that just wouldn't regenerate. Over and over and over again—

𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 • 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 (𝐡.𝐡.)Where stories live. Discover now