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chapter 5.) spiral

"When you said it was an emergency, I thought it was serious."

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing right now? If this doesn't classify as an emergency, I don't know what does."


i apologize if things are off-centered or different from their original format, i'll come back to fix whatever mistakes i make eventually. wattpad was SEVERELY glitching as i wrote this chapter, and still is glitching even as i come back to edit it.


Two weeks after the ordeal with Alastor's accidental revelation, everything had returned back to a somewhat normal state. At least, that was what it seemed like, what it was supposed to be like. Yet Reina still felt incomplete, every inner thought a battle between what she knew she needed to do and what she actually wanted.

She knew she was being nothing short of idiotic; she wanted nothing more than to just grab Alastor by his little bow and kiss him like she never had before. She really did, she just wanted to stop lying to herself and the people around her. She loved him, she truly did.

But there was still that part of her that was just scared, that was simply terrified of losing him again, unwilling to become intimate once more due to the sole fact that she couldn't bare the pain if he were to leave her again. Alastor was powerful, but he wasn't immortal; it was entirely possible for him to die, for him to be taken from her once more. And if it were to happen again, there was no guarantee she would ever see him again, not for the rest of her miserable existence.

And that was something Reina just couldn't live with.

So she used foolish excuses to corroborate her reasoning, unable to let anyone know how she truly felt, not even Maeve. She knew what Maeve wanted, so Reina knew that she certainly couldn't go to her twin with her problems. And anyone else was out of the question, leaving her to contemplate in utter solitude.

Most days, she confined herself to the kitchen or library, trying to distract herself any way she could. Everyone chalked it up to her typical anti-social behavior, avoiding her most of the time due to their underlying fear of her that never really went away. Even Maeve tended to stay away more times than not, and although Reina knew why, it still hurt.

Tonight was just another night in the kitchen, well past midnight. In other instances, the silence would've been suffocating, but Reina was somewhat enjoying the silence that came with isolation. She was reorganizing the pans in a nearby cabinet, humming softly to herself when she heard the kitchen door open.

Confused, Reina turned her head towards the noise, wondering who would even be up at such an hour. She sighed softly with agitation when she realized it was Alastor, honing in on such irritation and pushing back any other emotions she wanted to prevent herself from feeling.

"It's awfully late, y'know," Reina murmured, back facing him as she pretended to be occupied with her previous task. "What are you doing up at such an hour?"

"I could ask you the same thing," he retorted in an almost playful tone. But when she didn't offer any reply, he sighed, realizing his attempt at banter failed and decided to move on. "I decided to come down for a quick snack—"

𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 • 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 (𝐡.𝐡.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora