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Scarlett reached across the small car and took my hand. "Are you ready to talk now?"


"Okay. What happened?"

"So Nick took me to the gym. You know that. I texted you this morning."

"That's right."

"Then we were talking a bit." I paused. I shouldn't tell her. "And then, y'know, we started working out. Gym stuff."


"Then a girl walked in. She was really hot. Even I thought so, and I'm so incredibly straight."

"What did he do, girl? Do I need to bring a knife over to his house?"

"He told me that was his gym crush. I swear I almost fainted." My phone buzzed. "Hah, it's about time. I've been gone for 20 minutes."

Scarlett grabbed my phone and pulled over. "I'll pick up."

"Okay," I started, "but don't–"

"Hey idiot." A muffled voice came out of the phone. "Okay, stalker." Scarlett gave me a look. More muttering. "She wasn't feeling well. I'm taking her to the– to her house." The voice in the phone became slower. "Bye."

"What happened?"

"He said he looked in every building in the lot to find you."

"He could've just texted me," I responded. This was the WORST time for butterflies in my gut. "He said he did," Scar continued. "You didn't answer."

"Huh. Give me back my phone, please."

Nicky Poo 💩

Where are you

Nicky Poo 💩

did I make you upset

Nicky Poo 💩

did you faint are you okay

Nicky Poo 💩

You're not in any of the shops im getting worried 🙁

Nicky Poo 💩

Okay I know you dont like calls but im gonna call you okay?

Nicky Poo 💩

please pick up



"I mean, that's kinda sweet. Maybe a gym crush isn't anything serious."

I leaned over and put my head on the dashboard. "Well, that's not even the worst part. She went up to him."


"Yeah. She asked if I was his girlfriend. He freaking blushed because she talked to him. Her voice was even pretty. It was like leather."

"You sure he didn't blush at the thought of you being his girlfriend?"

"Yeah, because then, she said her name and asked for his number. I told Nick I was gonna go get more water and he stayed with her instead of following me."

"Oh, so I don't need to bring a knife. Just toothpicks to shove into his eyes."

I laughed. "Girl, you need help."

She gave me the sweetest smile. "I can't help that his eyes would look lovely in a pickle jar."


I ordered a 4-ingredient crab-legged wrap. I opened the bag of new clothes and set my findings onto the table. "Okay, so I have some new hair ties, a set of scrunchies, a fancy schmancy dress, and a hoodie."

Train Tracks // Nick Wilkins x OCWhere stories live. Discover now